"Yep." She bent down and kissed my forehead. Mmph. That's not what I wanted but whatever. I stood up to her and gave her a soft look. I'm gonna try again. Hopefully I can get through to her. "Onika...."


"I already know princess...You don't want us to go, but it's not like we have much of a choice. If we don't hit back, they'll try again. And who's to say that they'll miss this time?"

"Who's to say that y'all won't miss?"

"Oh trust me we not gon miss." She smirked and bit her lip at me. I rolled my eyes at another failed attempt. It's like they don't listen at all.

"You can't be so sure." I grumbled.

"Arregla tu cara y cálmate. Confía en nosotros."

"No debería tener que dudar de ti. Eso significa que no lo hagas." I gritted and my nose flared. "I'm calling Mami." I folded my arms and her eyes widened. They know she'll get on them and make them stay home. She didn't say anything so I walked away, didn't get far though.


"No! Y'all won't listen to me! It's not a good idea!"

My door opened again and Alex walked in.

"If you don't change your mind, i'm calling Mami! And you know what will happen if I call her!" I was trying to jerk out of Beyoncé's hold but she wouldn't let go.

"Onika...chill out man."

"So I have to chill because y'all are about to go do something stupid?.....Do y'all not realize why i'm saying this?"

Oscar made himself seen and I looked between the three of them. They all stood quietly like they were dumb or something. I've been backing away from saying the real reason I don't want them to go. It'll only make the vibe awkward and I don't want that. But if it's the only way I can get it through their heads, i'll try.

"I'm scared.....I don't want anything to happen to y'all like it happened to Papa. I watched him get shot and he died on me....I had to feel him take his last breath. I don't want to go through that again. You can't just say you'll be safe because you have guns. Papa had a gun on him and he still didn't win...."

"That's different nina." Alex spoke lowly and I looked at him.

"How? How is this any different Alex? The same shit can happen so it's not different!"

"He had a gun to his head and was killed for nothing! They had open fire, shooting to kill us because we did nothing! We didn't die so we can get our get back! You think if Papa would've survived he wouldn't have got back at him!?"

I kept my eyes on him, breathing heavily. I'm about to cry.

"Alex it's not different. You still didn't prove the difference in the situations. We all know Papa died, that's it." I whispered and let my tears fall.

"You won't understand unless you out there experiencing it all. What you saying makes no sense to us so what we saying to you won't make sense to you."

I huffed and snatched my arm away from Beyoncé. She should've been let me the fuck go.

"Y'all wanna be in the streets so fucking bad! Papa tried to keep y'all away from that but y'all never listen! Ever! Always wanna be right but when you're laying on that ground taking your last breath, you'll regret it. Eres tan tonto como el pomo de una puerta. Chicos de cerebro de pájaro. Te odio!" I snatched my keys off the dresser and walked out the room.

It shouldn't take so much to try and get through to them. Just for them to still not listen in the end. If they go, i'm not talking to them. I'm gonna hold a grudge until I feel like letting go. I've been through way too much, they should at least consider that.

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