"That is a hard one. I think that Lee's injuries made him a better person that appreciated his talents more than before. At the same time it would be hard to just stand there and watch as his limbs are crushed again."

"What would you know about that? You were already unconscious from the sealing." Naruto taunted. Feeling his physical age Sasuke couldn't help but stick his tongue out. After a few seconds of shock the two burst into much needed laughter. Meanwhile the two spies were attempting to get close enough to hear them better or at least see the scroll.

"The invasion needs to be changed. We can't afford to lose so many shinobi. The Sandaime though, I could honestly care less." Naruto hissed. He had been okay when he had found out that the Sandaime had hid his lineage from him. He understood why. He had thought about it for a while and come to terms with the way that he had handled the massacre as well. What he couldn't handle was the lies that he had been told about not having living family. The way that the Sandaime had allowed him to live in the apartment building that should be condemned. How the Sandaime turned a blind eye to the way that he was treated by the village and the obvious sabotage in the academy. He had found out about that after becoming Hokage and started going through the files left behind by his predecessors.

The nail in the coffin that shattered any trust or faith he had left in the old man was when he had discovered that the so called God of Shinobi had let Uzu fall when he could have helped. His family had been massacred because the Sandaime had allowed it. Had the Sandaime sent reinforcements they could have evacuated and assisted in the move of the civilians to Konoha. Instead he had refused to send any aid at all and allowed hundreds of innocent people die because he was an asshole. Looking over at his leader and friend's face Sasuke knew what he was thinking. His family had also been massacred by the Sandaime's decision just with a different tool. He too could care less about the old man but he did have to try and calm him down before he started leaking the fox's chakra.

"Dobe calm down a little okay?" He whispered. Blushing the sixth fire shadow slumped in his spot and took a deep breath.

"Where were we?"

"The invasion and the old fool. We were trying to figure out what to do about it. If we kill Orochimaru in the forest or even capture him, the invasion may not happen. At the same time we run the risk of Kabuto or Kimmimaru orchestrating the invasion in his place." Sasuke mused.

"Kimmi is too sick to run the invasion and Kabuto wouldn't do something so brazen at this point. He would wait and probably run the same experiments on himself that he did in the future. We also need to find a way to prevent the Edo Tensei from being used again that was a real hell." Naruto replied. He rubbed his temples this was getting complicated.

"So our action on the invasion will be dependent on the forest. Tsunade does need to return either way. We need a medic program in place before the Akatsuki moves, competent field medics and we have to make sure that the old drunk doesn't make Sakura her apprentice again. Gods she must have been more than just wasted to have made that decision. Anyone could see that Hinata or even Ino would have been a better choice." Sasuke lamented making Naruto laugh. At the same time he had to agree. Making Sakura her apprentice had been a really bad choice.

"Jiraiya needs to get his act together as well. They both need to get back in top physical shape. They let themselves go too much." Naruto growled.

"Dobe they are pushing sixty at least. They can't get back into top shape." Sasuke reminded the blonde.

"Yes they can!" he sing-songed. The raven haired time traveler started to worry about his companion's mental stability. Shaking his head he returned to the list.

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