Wrong universe 2 forced little nikki kellan jackson x caregivers dark Cullen

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A few weeks after Kristin and Robert and Taylor went missing they had to recast Bella and Edward and Jacob because the police had no leads what so ever and then after a full day of filming Nikki and Kellan and Jackson stuck around set

And when they were sitting there in the fake woods of forks on set they all got sleepy and when they woke up they saw not a set they saw actual woods and wood creatures running around

And then they all started walking around and then they saw the Cullen house but they see Elizabeth and Peter and Ashley and then Kellan say Hay ash do you know what happened to the set

And then they see Peter say um I don't know who that is and then Nikki says who says it's time to fuck around with us and then Carlisle says well I certainly don't know who that is and you should watch your mouth, little girl

And then Kellan and Jackson stand guard in front of Nikki and then Kellan feels himself get lifted off the ground and then he looks up and sees himself and says that's not possible and Carlisle says Emmett Would you give him his night juice and then Nikki says you monsters we are not children nor will we be or act like children

And then Jackson gets' s picked up by Alice and Alice say well Jasper is going to love the new additions to the family's little ones then Esme run's after Nikki who fell over a tree trunk and Carlisle runs over and says see you are just a little girl see you're crying over you tripping and then Esme picks up Nikki and then Nikki says you're the reason why our friends are gone we know it and then Carlisle says shhhhh and Nikki feels something go into her neck and she blinked and then she was out and then Esme says Carlisle you know what to do brake phones and mic packs and look tracker's and then after that they all ran back to the Cullen home where Rosalie and Jasper and Edward and Bella were watching Kristen and Robert and Taylor

Once back at the house, Jasper says well look we have some more babies and one looks like Rosalie and you Emmett then Carlisle says well we need to get them the serum in them just so they regress

And then when Nikki woke up she saw her self and she started crying and saying please I don't want to then Rosalie says it's an ok baby girl no one will hurt you won't have any more worries

And then Kellan wakes up and says's Emmett Dale McCarty Cullen you dumb ass it was your fault you died you could've shot the bear before it attacked you then emmett says let's start the serum with him and then her and after that jaspers look alike

And then Carlisle says let's get started first sleepy medicine and then the regression serum when they were getting the serum Robert and Kristin crawled into Carlisle and Carlisle picks them both up and say papa baby siblings Carlisle says Esme will you change Kristin she really needs a change and then esme says my bad

And then 5 hours later when Carlisle was sitting helping feed the other littles he heard Rosalie and Emmett yell to Carlisle the iv pumps are done and then Carlisle runs over to his office and sees Nikki sucking on her thumb with a wet patch on her jeans and then Rosalie unbuckles her and Carlisle says Rosalie give her a bath and he walks over to Kellan and sees him

drooling and that he was chewing on his shirt Carlisle hears Nikki call Rosalie mama and then he hears Kellan call Emmett dada and then Emmett unbuckles Kellan and Emmett walks over to the bathroom and Rosalie trades Nikki for Kellan

And then the last one to wake up Jackson and Alice says oh you're so cute he tries to reach Alice's top and Alice says you will get your milk little Jasper

And then a few hours later Esme cuddles up against Carlisle and Carlisle say's I would not give anything up for our littles and if the Volturi have a problem with that we can just give them their own selves but as little's.

And then a few hours later Esme cuddles up against Carlisle and Carlisle say's I would not give anything up for our littles and if the Volturi have a problem with that we can just give them their own selves but as little's

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When Alice decided to take a photo of Bella and Edward trying to wake up a sleepy little from their crib Robert and Kristin

When Alice decided to take a photo of Bella and Edward trying to wake up a sleepy little from their crib Robert and Kristin

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Sorry if you don't like the photo I thought it would be cute

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