Little y/n x caregivers Carlisle and esme

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One day Carlisle was doing a 48-hour shift with dr Stephen Strange and dr Bruce BannerRomanoff and dr Bailey and dr Shepherd and dr gray and Dr
Karev and dr Yang and dr O'Malley and dr Stevens when got paged a head that it was huge trauma and Carlisle ran to an ambulance and yelled Stephen, Shepard's head trauma over her and Carlisle felt someone grab his hand and he says it's OK y/n and Carlisle say's I got them and Stephen says call cps and then later Carlisle sat with you after your surgery to help reverse the damage and Samantha walks in and says I'm Samantha cobalt with cps and Carlisle say's I'm Dr Cullen and this is y/n m/n l/n.

 and Samantha says we just want to know what wrong with them and if they're too screwed up they're going to the state school Carlisle say's well I would like to adopt them I have some other adopted children and he says well from the damage we did a mental function test on there brain thinks there a baby and Samantha say yea special needs kids don't get adopted so we just sent them to the state school because not a lot of people have the time or money and effort to look after them and Carlisle says I want them and Samantha says OK here is the paper's please sign and then I can go and then Samantha leaves and Carlisle sits by the hospital crib and he reaches in and picks you up and it's on the rocking chair holding you and Carlisle say it OK y/n Cullen daddy was not going to let the mean lady take you away and Carlisle grabs his phone out of his lab coat pocket and calls Esme and says my love we have a new baby on our hands.

 and Esme says what does that mean Carlisle says I adopted a teen that came in because of a car crash they do have some brain damage so after they woke up we tested their mental function went from a 17-year-old to that of a baby Esme says OK I'll call the school to tell the kids to come to meet there new sibling and I will be there soon my diamond and you start to open your eye's and make a fist and rub your eye's and Carlisle say no-no and you grab Carlisle's lab coat and Carlisle says an OK sweetie and he sit's you up holding on to you and you start making random babble and sounds and Carlisle says oh really and you smile at him and then nurse Wanda says Carlisle your wife and kids are here and Carlisle says let them in and she says good luck with then and Carlisle says thank you and esme say's Carlisle they are so cute and Rosalie says I want to hold them and then you say, mama.

 and Esme says yes baby that's me and you say Dada and Carlisle say OK smartie and Rosalie hold you and say there so calm and pretty hi sweetheart I'm your big sis Rosie and you say sissy and Emmett say I'm your big brother and your bubba bear and Alice says hello oh I can't wait to make you my living doll and jasper say's are you going to be a good cowboy/cowgirl and Edward say's well I'm going to stay out of your mind and then Edward says how are we going to tell Bella and the Volturi and Carlisle says well we say we adopted them and then later they take you home and then once there Esme and Carlisle were trying to see if you could crawl or walk and they found out you could crawl but you more liked to be picked up and today Rosalie was trying to take you to school but Esme.

 and Carlisle said Rosalie you know we wanted to tell you and Emmett this we're making you godmother and godfather of them Rosalie hands you back to Esme and Carlisle kisses you on the forehead and kissed Esme a long bye kiss and when Rosalie came home she was more like your second mama and Emmett is your second dada and Esme says Bella's going to be here soon and then Rosalie says shhh it's ok if she hurts you or makes fun of you i will hurt her and her mutts and then Bella says hay and Edward say Bella this is our new adopted sibling y/n and Bella says hello and holds her hand for you to shake and you stare at it and Carlisle says you know they're not going to shake your hand they can't because of the damage to there brain has regressed and we have the test to prove it to you their mental function is that of a baby so that's why y/n did not shake your hand.

and Bella says how about you let them meet the pack sometimes that's if they're still human Carlisle says yes we should all of a sudden the electricity starts flickering and Bella say should they be concentrating like that their nose is bleeding and then it stops and you start crying and Esme picks you up out of Rosalie's arms and Carlisle sees glowing red balls of chaos magic in your hands and Carlisle says Edward take Bella to your room now and Carlisle says we're going to take them to let out their powers but before they went to leave they see your super speed and when they get to you they see you flying in the air and you fly down and you say ack no wona hurt mama n dada and they see a big blast of chaos magic come out of you.

 and you make whining noises and Carlisle picks you up and starts rocking you and bouncing you on his hip and Esme starts running your back and Esme and Carlisle say Hay baby you did so good we will love you no matter what your our baby of ever and then when they got back Rosalie runs to Carlisle with some file's and Carlisle say's wow that makes sense and he says family meeting and everyone run in and say well let's just say that it's no coincidence that y/n has powers in these files say they were an experiment patient with some company called Syntec and Alice says is that why they are the way they are and Carlisle says somewhat a yes.

 and Edward says is that why every time I go to read their mind I can't Carlisle say well there's also a mental and physical shield then two days later that Bella took you to meet the pack and Jake says who's that in your truck and Bella pick you up and says where are Sam and jake says why and Bella say's jake meet y/n m/n Cullen and jake says there human and they walk over to sam and Emily's and they walk in and Emily says hay Bella and who is this and Bella says Sam Emily meet y/n m/n cullen and Sam says there human and Bella says well they do have powers but they can't harm anyone because there mental function is that of a baby because of brain damage from a car accident and Emily says they're so cute and Bella sets you down you crawl to Emily and Sam say's there fine to pass the treaty line any time and jake says did you just Imprint on them and then Sam says yes but it's the parental bond between us.

and then later when Bella took you back to the Cullen and Bella say's um you may not like this but Sam imprinted on y/n it not a love bond it's a parental bond witness sam and Emily and Carlisle and Esme say That's fine and then they hear glass shader and they look towards Rosalie but she was holding you and then they look towards Alice and Edward say no why what and Alice runs to Carlisle and say's the Volturi are coming for a visit all of them and Edward say's Bella you might want to leave and Bella says no and then later on they hear a knock at the door and Carlisle opens the door and aro, Marcus, Caius say Carlisle our old friend how are you and Carlisle say's good come in and Jane and Alec say I smell another human and Carlisle say's that would be y/n we adopted them a month ago.

and Aro says I would like to meet them and Felix and Demetri stay with the kings Esme says how wonderful it's to see you all and Marcus say brothers Jane, Alec, Felix, Demetri we have found our mate it's more of a parental bond but strong and aro walks up to you and holds your hand and says ah powerful baby aren't you and the wolf has imprinted on you as well and Carlisle says I'm sorry I didn't tell you there mental function is that of a baby and Caius say brother how powerful are they and Carlisle says here read these they tell how powerful and what happened to them and Edward and Bella come in and aro says why is she still human and Edward says because the date is after graduation and years went by with peace and you all were one big happy family.

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