little y/n x caregiver Jacob and renesmee

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you sat with your two friends Jacob and renesmee or as you and Jake call her nessie and on day you three were going to there house and later on after you all eat you chugged down a lemonade but after a while you felt like your brain was mush and nessie say's see there they are our good little baby and she say's Jake darling can you go to there nursery and grab me there onesie and a diaper and a burp cloth because they are drooling a lot and he say's yes dear and she hears you babbling and some gurgles and she say's you trying to talk to mommy ha yes you are who's my good wittle baby and she points at you and say's yes you are i can't wait for you grandma and grandpa to meet you and your great grandpa Carlisle is going to make sure your healthy and that you live forever and that made you shiver even your brain was baby at this point and your god mother Rosalie is going to flip over you and want to steel you from us and keep you for her self and then Jacob say's well at least our baby won't fight us and then nessie say's lets burn these and she takes your closes off and then she puts a diaper on you and then she puts a onesie on you and Jake say's well at least you can finally be our wittle baby and you will have so many friends wolf and vampire and you will love Stacie she is the volturi's little and then nessie say's well at least you will be so loved and then there was a knock at the door and it was charlie and nessie say's what are you doing here grandpa and charlie say's i just came to cheek over here on you and Jake see how you two are doing and then you started babbling and then charlie say's since when did you have a baby can i meet them and then nessie say's sure come in and then nessie put up a illusion to put on you to make you look like a baby and then charlie say's may i hold them and nessie say's they do have a name it's y/n Cullen and charlie say's well at least now i'm a grandpa and nessie say's yep and charlie say's have you told your mom and dad and nessie say's no i have not but i will call them to come meet y/n and then charlie say's what about your dad Jake about y/n and then he say no but i will tell him soon and then after two hours charlie left and he fell in love with you and nessie say's well that went swimmingly and Jake say's oh is that right and then they kiss and Jake say's OK look at the time it's dinner time and then nessie say's how about breakfast for dinner and Jake say's as long as there's Leah's famous pancakes and then after that Jake say's how about we help mama and then nessie say's what are you doing here you to pranksters and then you and Jake throw flower at nessie and nessie say's oh you two are really pranksters and then she throws flower at Jake and you start playing with the flower and nessie say's well looks like you like that and next time you do that i will not kiss you for a week got that wolfie OK now let's eat and then after that jake and nessie see you covered in flower and Jake say's you little messy baby ha well now were going to have to give you a bath and nessie say's well so do you Jake you stink more then usual and Jake say's haha really funny darling and then after eating you were sticky with syrup and Jake say's you are a messy baby now we can give you a bath and nessie say's well i'm going to give them a bath and you go shower in our bathroom and Jake say's yeah sure and then nessie takes you out of the high chair and carry's you to your bathroom connected to your nursery and she starts taking off your clothes and then when you were in the bath you played let's splash mama and jake came in dressed in his pj and he say's why are you looking like a wet dog and nessie say's you should ask the little vampire and then she dries you of and then she put's you on the changing table and put's a diaper on you and a onesie and then she carry's you over to the rocking chair and she Undoes her top and Undoes her bra and she moves your head to her breast and you drink and Jake say's OK what book are we reading tonight and then nessie say's how about good night moon and then half way through the book you fell asleep and then nessie and Jake kiss you on the forehead and put you in your crib and from then on you had a pill every week and a few months later you were stuck in babyspace so you did not need the pills you felt loved and they loved you more then any thing and you had friends and Jake and renesmee's family's loved you and even the pack so you were happy.

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