Little y/n x caregivers dark Rosalie and Emmett new universe

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you were sitting on your bed watching the twilight saga and then fell asleep and then when you were woken up by knocking on your front door and saying I'm coming and you see two faces you know and you let them in and you say no this has to a dream there fiction charters ha out of all the vampires that could come and Emmett and Rosalie walk in and close the door locking it and Emmett say how do you know were vampires little one and you say because of twilight and they say what and you say it a book and movie series.

and you say not possible and you feel yourself being picked up and Rosalie moves your chin so you are looking at her and she says Baby how do you know things about us and the vampires of twilight She says what is twilight and you say it's about a girl who falls in love with a vampire and they always end up In something crazy happens to the Cullen's and then you say why do you keep calling me that and Emmett say's because you are our baby and you say what and you feel something shoved in your mouth.

and you say what the fuck and Rosalie say's no that's not how you talk sweetheart and then you say who the fuck do you want me to talk and you say well if the Volturi were here they would at least they would treat me like my age and not less and at least they don't want children and then or at least want me to be there child and then Rosalie says well don't want to get on mommy's bad side do you baby and then you felt something go into your neck and then you felt like you could not hold up your head.

and then Emmett says see you have to lesson to Mommy and Daddy and then Rosalie says well let's get our baby out of these bad grown-up clothes and then she finds a onesie that says Mommy and Daddy's little vampire and then Emmett says well looks like mommy forgot to put something on you and he pulls out a diaper and takes your underwear off of you and he puts a diaper on you and Rosalie says well I'm so happy to have a baby.

and you say why do I get stuck with the dark versions of Rosalie and Emmett and Rosalie says no more grown-up talk you should only talk like a baby no and then Rosalie puts a new pacifier in your mouth and she holds it there so you can't spit it out and then she says do you anything to say to mommy and you say you crazy bitch and all you heard babbles and gargles and then Emmett says well now we have our baby and Rosalie walks to your room and see your Volturi crest and your Cullen crest and she sees your cosplay and she says well does the baby play dress up and then later on Rosalie takes her top off.

and bra and you start moving your head over to her breast and Rosalie holds your head there till you drink and then Emmett says you must be fussy because you want skin-to-skin time with daddy and then Emmett takes his shirt off and then he puts you to his mussels and he says well see your calm baby and then Rosalie says you know we're going to turn you so we have our baby for forever and then after a few weeks you were telling your self mentally not to slip and give in but you gave in and Rosalie and Emmett say see it was not hard to give in and then you say it's onws mama n Dada and then you lived happily.

and you never wanted to go back to your old life Emmett came back from work one day with a surprise for you and he walks over to you and says Baby I got something for you and he puts a German Sheppard puppy down and you say Tank ou dada wove it and then Rosalie says y/n baby what are you going to name it and you say awo and Emmett say aro it is and then a few months later you got turned and they showed you everything and you got the gift you can copy anybody's powers and Rosalie and Emmett made you create a new power that made you sleep and then one day you.

 and Emmett and Rosalie were playing with you and all of a sudden a partial opens and Carlisle and Esme and Alice and Jasper and Edward and Bella step out of it and then it closes and Carlisle says there you two are and then another partial opens and the Volturi step through and it closes behind them and you say oh good more vampires and then aro says how does this newborn know about us and then Rosalie says to watch it aro my child is very power full and Carlisle says child what do you mean by that and Emmett says this is our baby y/n we did turn them and you say hewo.

and then Carlisle says did you force regress them and Aro says my I and then he sees they knew long before you met Rosalie and Emmett and Rosalie say here everyone knows about us because of Bella and Edwards's love story and then Emmett says yeah there's books and movies and aro says this is bad but good and Marcus says Rosalie and Emmett you know there your mate and then Rosalie says do you want me to put on the movies and then aro says yea sure let's see how much they put out about us and after the movie was over you stared over at Jane and alec and Marcus says I see a sibling bond forming and then aro says we have to find this Stefanie and then later on you all lived in peace and you were happy.

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