the punishment volturi x Edward Cullen

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it all seemed like a flash when Bella dragged you to Italy and once in the thrown room the three kings ran to you and hugged you and they said we have our true mate at last then you sit on Caius's lap and they say Well I have an idea more of a punishment for all of them that makes me use my powers and Marcus and aro say what is that idea and you say well I can hypnotize anyone so I want some fun and you walk over to your mates and whispered I want to make them so helpless were going to take Edward and the Cullen's take baby Bella and toddler Alice and they say what and you say age regression they have to stay like that for 1 year after that they can go back to Normal.

and you look at them with puppy eyes and they say not a bad idea and then you turn around and say you're not going to die you're simply going to become baby and Bella screams you can't do that and you say oh look's like we have our first volunteer to get regressed and you hypnotized her and put illusion's on her when people saw her they saw a baby and Edward tried to brake free to get to the falling Bella who had her thumb in her mouth with a wet patch on her jeans and Edward yells please turn her back and you ran over with your super speed and said shhh baby boy no more big talk and you do the same to him and then Alice screams and begs you.

and then you say get those two ready so I can take them back to Forks and you pick up Edward and carry him to a nursery and you say no baby boy no grabbing my hair in the mouth and put a diaper on him then you dress him in a superman onesie with cargo shorts with the snap crotch to make it easier to change him and then you put a pacifier in his mouth with the Volturi crest on it and then you grab his diaper bag and you say OK baby boy say bye bye to your daddy's.

 and Edward waves once on the jet Jane and Alex say my queen/king I have something to ask you and you say yes my baby what is it and they run towards you and Jane says please regress me mama/Dada and you say OK but just know you will be older than your baby brother and you can come and go out of little space unlike Eddie and bells and Ali and then you say Alex please go change your baby sister and he says yes mom and then Demetri and Felix say mom do we have to carry them and they carry Bella and Alice off the jet and you say Janie you must hold my hand and Alex stands behind you with Natasha and bucky and Steve your guards and you pick Edward up and start walking off the jet and then get into red mercury mountaineer and Steve drives off to the Cullen home and you knock on the door and say, may I.

and then you say Carlisle says what can I do for you and you say well your whole family should see what happened and Jasper and Rosalie and Emmett and esme say wait for your Bella's sidling she always talk about and Rosalie looks at you and she says you have a Volturi crest on and you say well I am the queen/king of the vampires and Rosalie says how the human well you see dear Rosalie I am the three kings true mate and not just that my powers and you say well where to start let's just say my sister and your son and daughter are in a world of trouble let's say what I did to them Esme and Rosalie are going to love and Carlisle says y/n please tell me they're OK and you say bring them in and they stare at you and you say I told then not too bad mouth me or my mates.

 and then Jasper run's at you and you put a shield up and you say you want to be next solder and Alex carries Edward in and say's mom he won't stop crying and Jane runs to you and sit on Alex lap and Rosalie and Emmett and jasper burst out laughing and then you say well now for is the good news.

 and you say, Carlisle, Esme you to get to take care of toddler Alice for 1 year and Rosalie, Emmett you get to take care of baby Bella because I know how much you two want a baby and here and Carlisle says wait what about charlie and you say well now I used my illusion power to make a fake Bella and the good thing about that when you take them into the public eye they only see what ages I set them as and then 1 year later you took them all out of little space.

and Edward says please tell me how long we were out Bella says really and Emmett says you not going anywhere baby girl no Alice hugs Jasper and you say we all have embarrassing baby pictures of you all Edward says please tell me no one saw me downstairs and Aro, Caius, Marcus all say you did call us Dada, daddy, papa, da/mama and Edward says oh my god and you say well now everything is Normal and I don't have to change your diaper's now my baby boy's all grown up.

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