chapter 4: karma part 4

Start from the beginning

Bakugo: stun grenade

starts by creating a sphere of light between his hands that explodes into a large scale flash. Similar to the effect of an actual stun grenade, the flash of light blinds anyone close by due to the flash of light izuku was stunned he wasn't able to see bakugo who gave him an uppercut and sent him flying with explosions damaging his uniform

Izuku: one for all 8%

He blitzed towards bakugo dodging the incoming explosions and threw multiple punches towards bakugo who held both his forearms to block but was still sent flying but was able to stabilize himself, Izuku's limit is 20% currently by pointing both hands and channeling his explosion he was able to quickly evade izuku's attacks and an opening appeared concentrating and condensing his explosion into a ball attempted to smash it right into izuku's back with sharp reflexes izuku turned back 

Izuku: 5% Detroit smash

Both attack collided against each other forming a small crater izuku's clothes sustained damage and some part of his hand was injured

Bakugo: with your level of power you could have been hanging out with us but no you stuck with that loser

Izuku: hmph do you know why he's my friend because I was just like him I know how it feels like to be bullied harshly by society I never had a quirk, sacred gear, semblance or any magic you of all people should know that, I was chosen for this quirk because I wanted to be a hero in my own eyes he could have been a better one for all user than me

Bakugo snorted

The battle continued

Izuku: ONE FOR ALL 10%

He kicked bakugo's chest before sending him flying with a nasty hay maker


The wind pressure broke a few ribs in bakugo's chest and was sent flying he got up and started vomiting blood bakugo got up on his last leg

Bakugo: if I'm going down I'm taking you with me

Gathering large amount of nitroglycerin into his palms bakugo used his final move



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Izuku went full power


The impact was so huge a large crater was formed izuku's arms were charred  but he was still standing for bakugo the impact alone knocked him out izuku sat on the ground as he continued panting

Izuku: damn that was awesome

He said with a grin

Todoroki vs hydohou

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