flashback - ich luge

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"Hey Veronica were you satisfied last night?" Ram yelled from across the cafeteria.

JD and Veronica rolled their eyes "Go to hell!" She yelled back. Veronica had already told JD so he didn't care what they said.

A burst of laughter emerges from the jock table.


"Those bastards think they can get away with a rumour that they slept with my girlfriend?" JD paced around Veronica's room, as he put the cigarette between his lips.

"Ugh they were such dicks today too" Veronica says from sitting on the floor as she released a puff of smoke from her mouth. 

"I say, we go on a little killing spree" She continues as she stood up from the floor and wrapped his arms around JD's neck and smiled.

"Mhh, Good Idea" JD purrs. They both lean in and kiss, they sit on the bed and JD pulls out his gun from his trench coat who was thrown on the floor. He puts down the gun on her bed.

"Okay, So how do we plan on doing it?" Veronica asks.

"We should lure them in. Hmm" JD thinks for a second "Ah! I know, if they want to have a swordfight in your mouth so badly, why not let them?" He says.

Veronica stares back with a puzzled look on her face "Ok you lost me there" She chuckles.

"I meant we lure them in by saying you want to, but in reality we're gonna be there waiting to kill them!" He gives her a wicked smile.

"Oooh! Okay hold on I'm gonna call Kurt" Veronica picks up her blue cord phone and dials Kurt's number she involuntarily got from Heather that one time she tried to set them up for a date.

"Make sure you sound like you really wanna do it" JD suggests.

Veronica nods and hears the dial ringing.


"Hi Kurt?"

"Who's this?"

"Hi this is Veronica Sawyer"

"Veronica? Why are you calling me?"

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"Veronica? Why are you calling me?"

"Yea, I didn't expect to be calling either I guess my emotions took over"

"Okayy, what do you need?"

"I was wondering if you wanted all those things you've been saying to really happen. It's always been a fantasy of mine to have two guys at once"

"Ah, I see now." Kurt smirks "How about I write to Penthouse forum?" He bought into Veronica's act and half jokes.

"Sure, you can write to Penthouse forum" Veronica tries her best to stifle a laugh.

bonnie and clyde - jdronica love story (rewritten edited version)Where stories live. Discover now