Chapter 36

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Ugh. What is that noise. I wish it will turn off. Omg! There it goes again. I'm trying to sleep. Wait a minute. Sleep? Why am I asleep? Aren't we at the mall! Why does my head hurt? What the fuck is that beeping sound. I couldn't take it anymore so I yelled "turn it the fuck off now!" And I opened my eyes. Bad decision. It was way too bright in here. I hurried and closed my eyes quickly. I slowly blinked a few times to get my eyes adjusted to the brightness. When I was finally able to focus; I realized, I was in the hospital. What the hell am I doing in here?
I sat up and I looked over and seen Eli in the chair snoring. Damn. He must be tired to be sleeping so soundly. I hit the call button and waited for someone to come in here. When they did, it was a nurse. Her badge read Stacy. I motioned for her to be quiet and pointed at Eli. She nodded in understanding and we whispered to communicate.

Me: What happened? Why does my head hurt? Where am I?
Stacy: You fell. You're at the hospital.
Me: Oh. How long have I been here?
Stacy: Only about 8hrs. It's 8:30pm.
Me: Oh damn. Am I ok?
Stacy: Yes you're ok. You was dehydrated and your blood pressure was elevated, plus a minor concussion.
Me: My blood pressure is normally fine. And I can admit that I haven't been drinking as much water as I should've been these past few weeks.
Stacy: I'm gonna grab your vital signs and then I'll get the doctor for you.

I nodded and let her do her thing. After she was done she wrote everything down and left out. She came back in after about 5 minutes with a doctor. He told me everything that she told me. And as he was reading over my chart, he looked at me and said congratulations. I was confused on what he's congratulating me on.

Me: Why are you congratulating me for?
Doctor: On your pregnancy.
Me: Wait excuse me? Who's pregnant?
Doctor: You are. Or y'all are.
Me: Really?
Elijah: So we're having another kid?
Me: Oh now you wake up.
Elijah: I been up.
Me: No you haven't now shut up. Doc, how far along am I? And can I get this IV out.
Doctor: You're about 10 Weeks.
Me: Wow. Umm ok.
Elijah: I'm so excited. My baby is giving me another baby!
Me: I'm not your baby. Now, when can I leave?
Doctor: Ummm. Well let's get the some blood out of you and if your results are better then maybe later today or early tomorrow morning.
Me: Ok. Thank you. Let's get this show on the road, because I'm hungry and I miss my kids.

Nurse Stacy came and took my blood for me and she put a connector piece onto my IV so I can move around easier. I got out the bed and my legs was a little wobbly, but once I was up moving, I felt better. I went into the bathroom and freshened up. I know Elijah is probably upset with me for putting our business out there like that but, ummm. I'm not lying. I walked back into the room and looked around for my phone. I groaned because I knew I had it.

Me: Do you have my phone?
Elijah: Who me?
Me: Ummm who else would I be talking to?
Elijah: Shit I don't know, the shit you said a little bit ago is gonna get you fucked up. Keep playing with me.
Me: Ok. So do you have my phone?

He went into his jacket pocket and handed to me. I thanked him and sat on the bed and called my family to let them know that I was ok, just was dehydrated and my blood pressure was up which caused me to pass out. Of course I got a lecture on stress and taking better care of myself. I just nodded and listened and spoke when I was supposed too. Once I hung up with them, I looked at Elijah. I felt bad for putting our business out there like that, especially when he stayed up here with me the whole time. He was so busy looking at his phone that he didn't even notice me get up, nor standing in front of him. And if he did, damn his ignore game is on point. I need to learn to be like him. I tapped him on the head since it was closer for me to reach. He didn't respond, so I tapped him again. He still didn't respond. So I did what I know best, I used my body to my advantage. I lifted up my hospital gown and I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. Honestly, in the back of my mind, I knew something was off about me these last couple of months, I just refused to believe it was possibly be pregnancy.

I watched in awe as he ran his hands all over my flat stomach. When I was pregnant with MJ; I was all alone. And the fact that he actually gets to be apart of it this time. Who am I to crush this for him. After about me standing there for 5 minutes, he pulled me into his lap and continued to rub my belly. I just leaned my head on his shoulder and sat there and cuddled up with him. I honestly missed the feel of being in his arms. I just can't forgive him for cheating on me. Like am I not good enough for him? As we sat there, I spoke up;" I'm hungry." And he looked up at me and laughed. And after I figured out what I wanted, he said he'd go get my food plus some extra clothes and other things I asked him to grab. While he was gone, I climbed back into bed and tried scrolling through the tv. I seen the NCIS was on and I started watching it. I felt myself getting sleepy, but I instantly had to pee. I went to the bathroom and after going; I washed my hands and got back in bed. I hit my call button and I let them know that I went to the bathroom, was wondering if I can go home now. As I waited for the doctor to come in, I must've dozed off. I woke up because I heard voices in my room, talking around me. I woke up fully and sat up.

I seen Eli and my nurse and doctor talking. They didn't notice that I was awake. I listened to them talk and heard the doctor say that I seemed fine and that as long as I make an appointment to see my Obstetrician, and take it easy on the stress. I hopped up out of bed and grabbed my bag of clothes that I seen sitting on the couch and walked into the bathroom. I heard everyone laughing as I was getting changed. When I walked out, I was ready to go. I had my clothes and shoes on and I pulled my hair up into a bun. Signed my papers and I sat in the wheelchair as Elijah pushed me out. Once we got outside, I ran to the car and waited as he slowly walked over to the car. He walked up over to me and pinned me against the car. He took my arms and put them around his neck.

Elijah: I'm so happy that you're the one having my kids.
Me: I am not your sperm incubator.
Elijah: No, you're my future wife and the mother of all our kids. You're my heart.
Me: If I'm your heart, why do you keep hurting me?
Elijah: I swear baby, I wouldn't do that to you.
Me: I wish I could believe you, but I seen the pictures and video of y'all kissing. Why?
Elijah: Can we talk about this somewhere else? Just in case you might be your normal aggressive self.
Me: Fine. And I'm not aggressive.

As we left, I just sat in the passenger seat quietly, looking out the window. I sat there with my head against the window and unconsciously rubbed my belly. I knew I needed to woman up and just sit down and listen to what he has to say. I don't want to raise my kids as a single mother. Hopefully we'll be able to get past our differences and maybe work on our relationship. Only time will tell

I told you that this chapter will be longer.
Gianna is pregnant again.
What does that mean for their relationship?
Stay tuned for the next update.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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