Chapter 22

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After we arrived to the bunker; I already know what we're about to walk into. I have no idea how I ended up with the most immature friends and brother but I did. As if Gianna read my mind; she groaned and said "ugh; you just had to answer the phone?" I looked at her and said "you just had to scratch up my back huh?" "Hey now. I apologized to you. I even put some stuff on your back. You know they're a bunch of big ass kids. I might actually smack one of them if they don't leave me alone." " I know beautiful. Let's just go in there and be the king and queen we are." She agreed and put her sunglasses on and we got out the car. I'm gonna let this one time go that she didn't wait for me to open her door up for her. As we were let in by the guards; I let her walk in front of me then I grabbed her hand and we headed to my office.
As we walked in; we seen them all sitting there talking. They just looked at us and just started laughing and yelling.

Tyler: Bro. That shit was disgusting.
Justin: I didn't volunteer to listen to porn.
Jason: He was like "Fucckkk Gia."
Me: And then I said next person who says anything is getting shot or stabbed.
Jason: Damn; you always gotta ruin the fun.
Me: I don't think my fiancé is enjoying the fun.
When I said fiancé; everyone kept talking until Tyler caught it a few seconds later.
Tyler: Wait fiancé? You proposed?
Justin: Wait what?
Jason: Come on bro! You didn't even let us be there.
Me: It was spur of the moment.
Tyler: Well damn. Congratulations to y'all both. Sis! You locked that nigga down.
Justin: Hell yeah she did. Hell; we heard it.
Gianna: Thank you I think.

As we sat down; I pulled Gianna on my lap and she kind of just cuddled up into me and listened as we talked about my sister and mother. As we was talking; Gianna's phone rang; when she answered it; her body stiffened. She spoke very curtly and hung up.
Me: Who was it baby?
Gianna: No one important.
Me: It must've been if you reacted that way.
Gianna: It was my mother.
Me: I thought we just seen her; she was fine what happened.
Gianna: Not her.
Tyler: Oh.
Jason: I'm confused.
Justin: Yeah I'm a little lost.
Me: I see. What did she say?
Gianna: She claimed she wanted to meet up.
Me: And do you want to?
Gianna: Nah I'm good. I haven't seen her since I was like 17/18. Nothing I need to say to her. Now what are we gonna do about your mother and sister, because I owe your mother a ass whooping?
Me: You so damn violent.
Gianna: You can't call no one violent. I'm an Angel.
Me: Yeah you are. And I'm the devil.
Gianna: You know that the devil was an Angel originally.
Me: That's very true.
Jason: Awww how cute and sappy. But what are we gonna do about mom and violet?
Me: Well; we're waiting for them to get here and then we're taking them both. I tried to be nice; but everyone just wants me to be evil; so I'm gonna have to do what they want.

As I said that; Gianna just rubbed my chest and pulled out her phone and started scrolling on instagram. I seen her post a picture of us and type something. Then she switched and I seen her lean up and turn on my computer. I continued to talk and watch her at the same time. I seen that she was online shopping. I just shook my head at her. She always shopping. I remembered that I had bought her a new phone. It's back at the house or here  at the hotel. Her phone rang again. She answered it and she started talking and laughing. She then switched to a different language. I forget she speaks more than just English and Italian. I have no ideal what she's saying or who she's talking to.
She put her phone on speaker and was pulling out her wallet when I asked her what she was doing.

Me: What are you doing?
Gianna: I'm about to order some stuff.
Me: I see that; but why are you pulling out your wallet?
Gianna: "Hold on." How else am I gonna pay Eli?
I just took her wallet out her hand and instead; handed her my wallet and told her to use my card. She just rolled her eyes and continued to talk. After another 10 minutes; she finally hung up and we all just looked at her.
Me: Who was that?'
Jason: What was you saying?
Tyler: You was talking fast as fuck.
Jason: Fast as fuck boy; fast as fuck. (TikTok)
Justin: And loud as fuck.
Gianna: Oh that was my uncle Chris.
Me: Ain't that your cousin named we met the other day?
Gianna: Yeah. It's his dad. He wanted to know why I ain't tell him about what's going on.
Me: Oh ok. And?
Gianna: I told him I was gonna call him once I caught my breath. But he ain't care; so he's flying in.
Me: Oh ok. That's cool.

As we all talked; she continued to shop and order stuff before she said; she was hungry and she wanted her son. We left and went to get food and grabbed MJ and headed back to our new house. Once we ate and watched movies together. She got MJ ready for bed and I remembered to give her her new phone. When she walked back in; I have her the new phone and she just thanked me and kissed me. She switched everything over to her new phone and got a new number and did whatever else she needed.

Gianna: After we take MJ to school, can we go furniture shopping? Oh and grocery shopping?
Me: Yeah of course. I don't know why you asking permission?
Gianna: I never know what you have planned. You're a busy man.
Me: I'm never too busy for you or our son.
She kissed me afterwards and we made love all night until the sun was coming up.


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