Chapter 33

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I can't believe this dumbass dude kidnapped me. Like why me! Ugh. Lord, why do I have to be so damn great? Anyway, when I woke up, I was on a plane. I sat up on the bed and seen that I was still tied up. Like you could've at least untied me. I'm on a fucking plane! Where would I go? I decided to just yell out since I was tied up. Hell I had to pee and I was fucking thirsty. "Hey!" No one came. Hmmm. Ok, let me try that again and see if they here me this time. "Hellllooooooo." "Michaelllllllllll!!!!" Finally after a few minutes I heard someone walking towards the door. When they opened the door it was the devil himself.

Michael: You yelled my name.
Me: Uh yeah. I'm tied up and I have to pee.
Michael: If I untie you, do you promise not to hit me?
Me: Nope. Can't make such promises,'s not like I can go anywhere, we're on a plane.
Michael: How'd you know that?
Me: I'm not stupid, plus I know how it feels to be on a plane, now can you please untie me so I can pee? Please? I'm being nice.
Michael: Ok. Stand up and turn around.

I did as he asked and I took off towards the bathroom. It felt so good to use the bathroom that I literally yelled out "thank goodness!" And I heard Michael laugh at me. After I was finished, I washed my hands really good and I left out the bathroom. When I opened the door, he was sitting on the bed waiting for me. I just stared at him and really took the time out to look at him.

Michael: Why are you staring at me?
Me: I'm just curious.
Michael: About?
Me: Why me? I mean I know I'm a great person, like why me exactly?
Michael: Well, I find you to be extremely beautiful and smart. I feel like you'll complement me well. You also remind me of someone from years ago.
Me: Who? Also is there any food on this plane. I'm hungry.
Michael: Yeah come on.

As we walked to the front, we sat down and he called the chef and let him know that we was ready to eat. I ordered salmon pasta, and he ordered spaghetti. Once we waited on the food, he began to tell me about Rosa. As he talked about her, I realized that he was the guy I met at a club almost 5 years ago, back in Italy. I remember meeting a guy who asked for my name and I told him Rosa. That same night, I had went out with my family and left with my family. Michael didn't even leave a lasting memory in my mind at all. I sat there and listened. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him that Rosa was me. I decided to keep that a secret. At that moment, our food came out and we sat there and ate in silence. I sipped my water and enjoyed my food. After we was finished, I cleared my throat and began to speak.

Me: Listen Michael, I'm sure you're a great guy deep down, but you kidnapping me from my children isn't right. Like I'm a mother first and always.
Michael: Can you call me Mike?
Me: Can I go home?
Michael: No. not yet.
Me: Than there's your answer. So when can I go home?
Michael: When your fiancé gives up his empire.
Me: You mafia men and y'all empires. Like y'all can't combine?
Michael: No. it was mine first. I'm the oldest.
Me: Wait. I'm confused. Are y'all related?
Michael: Yeah we are. We have the same mother, different fathers.
Me: Does Elijah know this?
Michael: No. I don't think he does.
Me: So who raised you?
Michael: My father and his wife.
Me: I need to hear this story.
Michael: Long story short, our mother got pregnant by my father when she was 15; her mother made her give me up to my father since he was 18, and I was raised by him and his wife.
Me: Wow. That's crazy. No offense, but your mother is crazy as hell. You know she hid from Elijah that he had a son. My son went almost 5 years without knowing his father.
Michael: Sounds about right.
Me: I have an ideal, what if I find someone for you to date?
Michael: Like who?
Me: I know lots of girls. You want a female with my body type or slimmer?
Michael: Your body type and skin tone.
Me: Ok. Let's look on IG.
Michael: Ok. I'll trust your process.

As we scrolled on IG, I saw a few females that was super pretty, but he said they wasn't his type. After a while, we landed and we got into a car and drove to his house. I swear the drive was super long. By the time we got to his house, it's been almost an hour. Shit I do exes off. I woke up when I felt the car stop. We got out the car and we walked inside the house. Sadly my phone had died so I asked him for a charger and I plugged my phone up. Michael showed me around the house and I looked around and remembered where everything was. We was chilling when I heard my phone ring, I ran upstairs to see who was calling me; it was the kids. I answered and talked to them, boy have I missed them. After about 20 minutes I hung up with them and I decided to take a nap. I couldn't sleep though, because I was still soo pissed off about this whole situation. And the fact that Elijah just don't give a fuck. Like idc if you ain't call and talk to me but, your fucking kid bro. Like your son dude! I'm not about to have him come into my sons life, just to leave back out if it. Period.

Later on as I laid around, Michael knocked on the room door I was staying in and let me know that he called and invited everyone here. I was actually surprised that he was being mature. I just said ok and thanked him. Before he left out, I asked him if he had anything I could change into. A few minutes later, he came back with some sweats and a T-shirt. I grabbed from him and headed to the bathroom to take a well needed shower. About 20 minutes later, I was showered and dressed in the clothes he had gave me. I felt like I was swimming in the pants. I had to roll them a couple times but I made it work.
Around 5pm, everyone showed up. I came downstairs when I heard yelling and things being broken. When I hit the bottom of the stairs, I seen Michael with a bleeding lip, and Elijah with a mark on his cheek. I just cleared my throat and waited for everyone to look over at me.

Me: What the hell is going on?
Michael: Your fiancé is nuts.
Elijah: I'll show you nuts. Keep talking to me.
Me: Enough! This is stupid!
Sr: Babygirl are you ok? Are you hurt?
Me: I'm fine. Can I go home? I miss my kids. Plus I have things I need to handle.
Sr: Of course.
Me: Mike thank you for taking care of me. I'll see you around; don't forget we have plans.
Michael: I won't. When I come back in town I'll hit you up.
Elijah: No you won't.
Me: Don't talk to me.
Dom: Ok sis. Let's go.

As we was leaving, I hugged Michael and I walked out with everyone. I waited for them to unlock the door and when we climbed in the car, we sped off. I just laid my head against the window and just closed my eyes. I felt everyone looking at me, but I just ignored them. I didn't want to talk honestly. I want to go home so I can hug my kids and get everything in order. I know Elijah is gonna wanna talk, but I don't have the energy to even argue with him. When we pulled up to the hangar, we all got on the plane and I sat next to my brother. I asked him if he had some AirPods and he gave me his extra pair. I put them in my ears and blasted my music. I started looking for a place to stay at. As I did some scrolling. I got a DM from some random female. When I opened it; it was pictures of him with some female and they was hugged up in one picture. The next, she was sitting on his lap and he had his arm wrapped around her. As I scrolled through the pictures, I started to get pissed off more and more. When I got to the last picture, all I saw was red. He was kissing her, then smiled afterwards. I didn't even realize until I seen everyone looking at me; but I was laughing. Joe looked at me and asked me if I was ok. I just said "yup." Let's just say, Elijah has another thing coming if he thinks he's gonna play with my fucking feelings.


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