Chapter 26

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I told MJ to wait in here and I turned on the tv for him and I went into the living room to talk to everyone. When I walked out, I seen Tyler, Justin, Jason and Elijah. There was also an older man sitting there. I wasn't sure who he was, but the fact that he looks like Elijah, it's safe to assume that he's their father. I walked over to him and stuck my hand out for him to shake. He just looked at my hand and then he just hugged me. It took me by surprise at first, but then I hugged him back.

Mr Morelli: I don't think I need a handshake from my future daughter in-law.
Me: Yeah that's me. Gianna.
Mr Morelli: Greg. It's nice to meet you. You're very beautiful; you know if you get tired of my son, I'm available.
Me: I'll keep that in mind.
Elijah: He now. Hands off father. She's mine. Now let's sit down.
We all sat down and I asked Eli to grab me a water and a few seconds later, he brought me back a water. As I took some sips of water. I started talking.
Me: So when I arrived to the spa; I sat down and waited my turn. I was given some champagne, like normally.
Eli: Ok
Me: When I was called back; I got a little dizzy. My masseuse helped me to the room and they helped me  lay down.
Eli: Did he do anything to you?
Me: I just remember being told to get undressed and then I fell asleep. Me I'm so sorry that I wasn't on my shit. Like I'm your fiancé, future Dona, I'm a Pachelli. I should know better. And I do know better.
Me: Mr Morelli; I want you to know I am smart and know how to protect myself. I just wasn't thinking and that's my fault. No one's else's. Please don't think less of me!
Mr Morelli: It's fine bambina. We'll make sure that you're more prepared just in case. And we'll make sure you have security
Eli: Yes I'll definitely make sure. Baby, you know you have to tell your family right?
Me: Oh God! Ugh. I'll call him.
Eli: Are you hungry? You should eat.
Me: No. I'm not hungry; just want to sleep more.

I got up to get my phone and I bent down to pick it up, but as soon as I stood back up; I got dizzy and next thing you know; all I seen was black.
I keep hearing this damn beeping noise and it's getting on my nerves. "Turn it off" I said aloud. But no one did. "Eli! Turn off this damn beeping noise!" When the noise continued, I opened my eyes and looked around. I seen that I was in a unfamiliar room. I looked for the noise and noticed it was a heart monitor m. I also seen a iv pole and that I was hooked up to everything. I started to freak out; so I got out the bed and I noticed a catheter. "Oh Hell No!" I got up and walked around. Although my legs were shaky, I still walked. I walked around until I made it into the hallway. I still wasn't sure where I was but at this point I didn't care. Once I made it into the hallway, I seen two guards standing at the end of the hallway, so I yelled "hey! Get me a syringe or a doctor. And find me Eli now!" They hurried up to find them. I leaned up against the wall and about 5 minutes later; Eli and and a doctor was coming up the stairs.

Me: Damn, it took y'all long enough. Now listen here doc, I need a syringe so I can take this catheter out of me.
Doc: Don't worry miss. I'll do it.
Me: Nah my brother. I got it. I'm not stupid.
Doc: Do you know how to do it?
Me: Yeah dude. Just give me the syringe.
He hands me a syringe; I believe he was trying to be smart. Cause he handed me a syringe with a needle.
Me: I don't know if you're trying to be funny, but you're not doc. I need a 10cc luer-lock syringe. Or a flush because it's the same thing.

He handed me the correct syringe and I snatched it out of his hand and walked back into the bedroom. I continued to the bathroom and I took the catheter out. All while I could feel eyes watching me. I know Eli is behind me. Dude must have a staring problem. After I was done, I walked freely back into the room looked at the clock and seen it was 9:05am.
I stopped the iv fluids myself and disconnected everything. All while Eli just watched me in amusement. Once I disconnected the fluids, I took the needle out my arm and put some tape on it. Once I had everything disconnected and out of me, I looked at Eli.

Me: What happened?
Eli: You passed out.
Me: From what?
Eli: The drugs that they put in your drink.
Me: Great. Just great. What day is it?
Eli: It's Thursday.
Me: Damn. That was some great sleep, but I'm hungry and where's my baby?
Eli just laughed at me. 
Eli: He's in his room playing with his trucks and what you got a taste for?
Me: Mmmm. Let's see there's pasta, chicken, steak, seafood, you, pizza, burgers...
Eli: Me? Well let's crave one of your appetites now.
Me: Noooo...wait food first.

And I hurried up and ran out the room and I heard Eli running right behind me. I ran into MJ's room and seen him sitting on the floor playing with his trucks and as soon as he seen me, my baby's eyes lit up like a light. He hugged me so tightly that all I could do was just hug him just as tight. When Eli came in the room, he stopped right behind me. I swear, whoever drugged me is gonna feel my wrath. They almost took me from my son now twice. Eli got me my food and we had family time and I loved every minute of it. Although I know this little bit of happiness I have isn't forever; I rather live in the moment and worry about everything else tomorrow.


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