Chapter 14

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When I found out Gianna left with my son, all I could do was panic. I didn't want to get her family involved because then they'd think that I can't handle my home life. As soon as I said what about her being a bad mother; I instantly felt like shit. Like this is the woman I love. Im not supposed to hurt her. Im supposed to love her. I'm supposed to treat her better than anyone. Not only is she the love of my life, she's the mother of my kid and future kids to come. And all I've done was shake up her world. I asked Jason to call her phone and he did, but she wouldn't answer. She just continued to ignore us. I had Tyler tap into the security cameras out here and see if he can find out where she went. About an hour later, he called me and said that it looks like she was heading towards her dads. I swore under my breath. That means now I'm gonna have to deal with not only him, but her brothers as well. Tyler laughed and said he can't wait to meet her, because if she's making me go crazy like this already, he can only imagine how much worse it can get. I told Tyler to go fuck himself. I let jason know that she's safe and at her dads. I still kept calling her because I just wanted to apologize. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her.

Around 9:30, I got a FaceTime from her and I answered quickly. I seen it was MJ and I just smiled.
Me: Hey son. How are you doing?
MJ: Hi dad. I'm good. I'm at Nona's and papa's.
Me: Are you having fun?
MJ: Yes sir. Daddy?
Me: Yeah son?
MJ: Are you mad at mommy?
Me: No son, I'm not mad at mommy.
MJ: Is mommy mad at you?
Me: She might be. I hurt mommy's feelings.
MJ: What did you do?
Me: I told her that she can't have any candy.
MJ: Now daddy, why would you tell her that? She's going to give you a spanking.
Me: I don't want one of those.
MJ: Well you better go and apologize to mommy. Buy her a gift.
Me: That's a great ideal son.

As he was getting ready to say something else, I heard Gianna come in the room. I heard her tell him that his grandma wanted him. As she took her phone back, I seen her look in the camera and just looked genuinely sad. Before she hung up, I started speaking.
Me: Baby! I'm soo sorry. I didn't mean anything I said to you.
Gianna: I wish I could believe you, but I don't. This is the second time you've called me a bad mother. I'm not a bad mother. I love my son more than anything.
Me: I know you do baby. I'm really apologize. How can I make it up to you? Tell me.
Gianna: Just be a great dad to our son. Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Always have been, always will be.

She hung up on me afterwards and I just threw my phone. Like what the hell is wrong with me. Am I so used to being so mean and aggressive to people and demanding respect that I don't know how to show love and compassion when it's needed. I just sat on the bed with my head down. I need to make it up to her. Like I know it's not exactly safe out there for her but, she still could've went out with security. I don't even know why I didn't even think of that. I seen a hand in my face hold a glass. I looked up to see Jason hold a glass of whiskey. This is most definitely what I need. Well that and a blunt.

As if he read my mind, he pulled out a couple of blunts and gave one to me. I just smiled smugly and took the glass and blunt. We went outside on the patio and just smoked and talked. For my brother to be younger than me, he's pretty wise. He put things in perspective for me. Had me looking at things through her eyes. Like damn, I've been super selfish since I got here. I've literally uprooted her entire life, and it's only been a few days. Around 1am, we decided to call it a night since Tyler and Justin will be coming into town early afternoon. I tried to call Gianna one more time to tell her good night, but she didn't answer. Not only that, when I threw my phone, I cracked it. Fuck! Now I have to go and get a new phone. I decided that I'll do that tomorrow and then do some shopping for Gianna. I know she's not a materialistic person, but what girl doesn't like nice, expensive gifts? Right?

I woke up around 8am and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I then hopped in the shower and got dressed in some black Nike sweat and a red Balenciaga shirt. I threw on some red and black 1s; I put my jewelry on and grabbed everything I needed so I can head out the door. I went to wake  up Jason, but he was already awake. He was brushing his hair and I told him let's go. I looked at what he was wearing and we were both dressed kind of the same. Just he had on distressed jeans instead and had on a white and black Dior hoodie. We went downstairs to the lobby and we ended up just blocking off the whole top floor at at least two weeks so we all can be in one hotel. It definitely cost about 50k; but that's chump change. We hopped in the Range Rover and headed to the nearest T-Mobile. We both ended up getting the new iPhone 14, pro max in black and silver. I got Gianna one as well in purple. We then headed to rodeo drive and I bought Gianna some purses and shoes and a whole bunch of other things. The trunk was filled with Gucci, Chanel, Dior, Tom ford, Louis Vuitton. I even went inside of Louboutin and got her a whole bunch of red bottoms. One of my final steps was the Hermes store. When I walked in, it's like they instantly knew who I was. The sales lady rushed over to me. She asked what I was looking for, and I told her I wanted to buy my fiancé both birkin and Kelly bags. Plus I got her some shoes to match the purses. After at least an hour in there; I left out with tons of bags and 100k less on my card. I didn't mind though. Once we left all of the stores; I was hungry as hell so we got subway and then headed to Gianna's dads house. I can't wait until she sees her gifts. She's gonna be so happy; she'll instantly forgive me. I hope.


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