Chapter 35

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It's been about 2 months since the whole incident with me being kidnapped and Elijah cheating on me. We communicate for the sake of the kids but that's all. I know I had a drunken episode that night, but that was the last time. I've been working as the mafia doctor and honestly it's been fairly easy. I make sure they have their check ups every 3 months and yearly physical. They're all pretty much healthy. Since I had only practiced with kids, I had went back to school to refresh myself on practicing with adults. Luckily I'm done with that. I was at home cooking dinner when I started to feel nauseous. It passed as quick as it came so I didn't pay it any attention. It didn't happen again so after about 20 minutes, I continued to cook. I went the rest of the day and night without any issues. The boys and I ate and we got ready for bed and I laid down and went to sleep. I normally have a hard time sleeping, but recently all I've been feeling is exhausted. Like any and everything I do make me so tired.

I haven't dwelled on it because it's almost Christmas time and we gotta put up decorations. Actually, Elijah asked if we could all go Christmas shopping together. At first I said no, because I didn't understand why I had to go, but I changed my mind after being begged by the kids, I sucked up my pride and said yeah. Tomorrow should be interesting. He's supposed to come about 12pm. When the morning came, I felt like crap. I just couldn't get out the bed. I woke up and seen it was only 8:30am. I decided to go back to sleep for another 30-45min. I thought that would be enough time so I could feel fully rested. I was awaken again, but this time not on my own, but by someone shaking me awake. When I opened my eyes, I seen Elijah sitting on my bed. I looked at him, then I sat straight up quickly. Bad decision on my part, I got dizzy. I grabbed my head to try and steady the spinning feeling.

Elijah: Hey baby! Are you ok?
Me: Yeah I'm fine. I just sat up too quickly. Did I over sleep? What time is it?
Elijah: Calm down, you didn't oversleep. It's only 11am, I thought that maybe we could get brunch before shopping.
Me: 11am! I was trying to be back up no later than 9:15! Ugh. Can you make sure that the boys are dressed? I'm sorry, I'll try to be as quick as possible!

I got up and rushed into the bathroom to shower. After 15 minutes, I got out and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself and walked out. I seen Elijah just chilling on my bed. Normally I'd say something but because I'm already behind, I just ignored it and walked into my closet. As I walked past Eli, I heard him say "damn!" I hurried and got dressed and walked out my closet with my purse and shoes in hand.

 As I walked past Eli, I heard him say "damn!" I hurried and got dressed and walked out my closet with my purse and shoes in hand

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I sat down at my vanity and decided to just do some mascara, eyeliner and lipliner and lipgloss. I didn't want to do anything too major. I have no energy at all to do anything. When I was finished with everything, I got up and turned around. Elijah was just staring at me. For why? I have no ideal. I just smiled at him and told him I was ready. When I looked at the time, it was just now 12:00 on the dot. We got the boys and we left my house. Once we got to the shopping center, we climbed out the car. As we made our way inside, we decided to start at Saks, and to go from there. We found things for most of our family members, between Saks, Nordstrom, Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vittuon, Balenciaga, Fendi, even Hermes. As we was sitting inside the shoe store, I noticed females looking at Eli, but I didn't even have the energy to even entertain them. The longer I sat, the more nauseated and dizzy I started to feel. As I stood up to try and grab Eli's attention, all I saw was black and I felt myself falling.

Uh oh! What's wrong with Gianna?
Will she be ok?
I know short chapter.
Next chapter will be longer.
Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out.

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