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No one's POV

Student Body Office | 2:56PM

Minji turned around before walking inside the meeting room. There she found a sleeping Bora and a very tired looking Handong.

"What's wrong, dong-ah?" Minji asked before sitting next to her.

"I'm so tired.. I was giving freshmen exchange students a school tour since this morning. Gosh, the walk.. I couldn't take it anymore. Luckily, Gahyeon volunteered to take in charge" Handong complained. Minji nodded before grabbing a few papers prepared by the President.

"That's so nice of her" Minji replied as she goes through the papers.

"Wait why are we having a school fest in April?? Isn't that too early?" Minji asked confused.

"They wanted the new students to get to know everyone as fast as possible. School fest means a lot of team work related projects so.." Bora mumbled. Minji narrowed her eyebrows.

"There has been a lot of changes lately huh.. I wonder what's happening with the board" Handong replied.

"I love school fest so I don't mind at all" Bora said as she stretched her body.

"Yea of course you do, you're a historian" Minji replied sarcastically.

"Hey! I'm like.. one of the most crucial members!" Bora said defensively.

"Where's everyone by the way?" Minji asked.

"The seniors are out to take their grad pics. I heard they get to skip their classes tomorrow too" Bora replied.

"Must be nice..." Handong added.

A few minutes later Irene entered the office looking so gorgeous, totally straight of magazines.

"Oh, unnie! How was the grad pics?" Handong asked.

"It went well, how far did you guys get?" Irene asked as she pointed to the papers the three were holding.

"Only until the school fest for now" Minji replied. Irene nodded before taking a sit with them.

"April huh" Irene mumbled. Minji groaned.

"So.. what are we planning to do as student body officers?" Bora asked, slightly curious.

"Well.. we need to wait for everyone so we can decide as a team but for sure, it will be jail booth again" Irene replied.

"Sounds fun to me" Bora said excitedly.

"You're not allowed to be a cop anymore! There had been a lot of reports of harassment from you, so no. You're stuck taking pictures instead" Minji scolded Bora who's now protesting against the idea.

"Ok fine, whatever! Who's going to be the cops then?" Bora asked.

"I can do it!" Handong exclaimed. All three of them looked at her.

"I think it will be a great idea if it's you" Minji smiled.

"Oh? Unnie-deul.. ahuuu.. so tired" Gahyeon said out of tiredness before closing the door behind her and collapsing next to Handong.

"Jinja komawo, Gahyeonie.. here have some juice" Handong said before passing a cup of mango juice to Gahyeon.

"No problem, unnie" Gahyeon said as she flashes Handong her signature smile.

"We only need Wendy and Luda then we can start" Irene said before glancing at the wall clock.

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