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Junya Academy | 2:00PM

Yoohyeon's POV

"Yooh!" I heard someone called me as I walked inside the cafeteria. I saw Yubin waving her hands so I could see her.

"Hey, Yubin-ah" I greeted as I drop my bag on the table and taking out my laptop.

"So.. how's the campaign going?" she asked as she chewed on her fries.

"Pretty good so far.. though, I'm really curious to see how Minji's doing" I replied as I typed something on my laptop.

"Debate is coming up, don't forget about it" she reminded. I sighed.

"Why do we have to that? Is campaigning not enough?" I whined.

"Well.. you need to appeal to everyone and you should have a clear explanation of your ideas as the future President even though they most likely won't even care" she replied.

"I just really want for Seulgi and Siyeon's band to be recognized by the school, so many talents being ignored and wasted. I just think they could prevent this academy from turning into some boring-ass one" I exhaled.

"Do you know the reason why they couldn't?" she asked making me stopped typing to look at her.

"Why?" I asked.

"Irene and Seulgi had a past, it was because of those two" I informed.

"Tsk, I knew it" I replied.

"Mrs. Bae didn't have any intentions on banning the band but because someone wealthier complained, they couldn't ignore it. So.. you might lose this election because of your desires to push the band out of disbandment, be careful.." she explained.

"I mean.. I don't really care. I'm mainly doing this for that band" I responded.

"Why? Why are you doing that?" Yubin asked. Yoohyeon didn't answer.

"You wanted to join, huh" she added.

"No" I responded immediately.

"I.. accidentally saw them busking before I became a student here and at that time there were only 3 of them. The song they were playing.. it hits me. I mean.. it was more than that and when I found out about them attending this academy, I enrolled haha" I added.

She looked at me out of amazement before nodding her head.

"They really have that effect on people huh.." she muttered.

"What if.. Minji is for it too? What if she wanted the band to be recognized too? Will you withdraw from the election?" She asked. I smirked before shaking my head.

"It's too late now and even if she wanted the ban to be lifted too, there's another reason why I wanted to win this election" I said. She looked at me confused.

"You'll see" I gave her a smile before continue typing.

Library | 3:20PM

Minji's POV

"No.. not you.. nope.. aniyo.. yes!" I cheered quietly as I saw the self-guide book that I was looking for.

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