🥀✨Chapter 14: A Good Day Gone Bad✨🥀

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James, Laurent, and Victoria stopped in front of us just as the clouds darkened a little more and thunder rolled. I glanced at Justin and noticed he was a little scared. I could be wrong, but I think Justin might actually be the cause of the weather we're having. I'll have to speak to him about it later.

Laurent held up the baseball in his right hand and smirked. "I believe this belongs to you." He tossed the ball to grandpa, who caught it with ease.

Grandpa smiled politely. "Thank you."

"I am Laurent." He started introducing himself and the rest of James' coven. "This is Victoria." She nodded slightly with a sinister smile. "And this is James." The blonde is looking intently at Bella and the rest of us at the back as if he's trying to find his next meal.

Do you think maybe he'd accept a bag of Cheetos if you gave it to him? Dude looks like he could do with some right now.

"I'm Carlisle." Thanks grandpa for not introducing any of us. I don't feel very talky today, or ever really. 

"Hello." Laurent simply greeted.

"Sup?" Justin nudged Alex to be quiet. I would've laughed if we were in a situation like this.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us." Grandpa informed him in the politest way possible.

"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." You probably didn't, but James might have, given his 'gift'.

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby." Grandpa informed them.

"Really?" Laurent seemed a bit shocked to hear this as he glanced at James from the corner of his eye, then focused his attention back on grandpa. "Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through." Tell that to James.

"The humans were tracking us, but we lead them east." Or did you suck their blood, Victoria? "You should be safe."

"Why, thank you." Aunt Cat spoke to Victoria sarcastically.

Grandpa wore a fake smile on his face and nodded slightly. "Excellent."

"So, could you use three more players?" Laurent asked. We all looked at each other in doubt. No one trusted any of the three newcomers facing us. Laurent chuckled at our uneasiness. "Oh, come on, just one game."

Grandpa sighed, showing that he was giving in, though he was quite reluctant about it. "Sure, why not? A few of us were leaving." This was grandpa's way of helping to buy us, meaning myself, Bella, Alex, Justin, and Gabe, some time to be able to escape. "You could take their place. We'll bat first." He threw the ball to them, and Victoria caught it in one hand.

Victoria smirked. "I'm the one with the wicked curveball." I rolled my eyes. Who the heck cares? It's just a ball.

Most of my family looked at me. Some were confused, but others, like Alice, knew something. I have no idea why, but I'm sure it's because I might have said that out loud.

"Oh, well, I think we can handle that." Jasper spoke up, easing the tension a little.

Laurent laughed. "Oh~"

"We shall see." Victoria challenged before turning round with Laurent. Everyone else started leaving to get into their positions except James. He just stood there staring at Bella, myself, and my friends.

I still feel the need to give him a bag of Cheetos.

James finally looked away from us, and was about to follow Victoria and Laurent, when the wind picked up a little, rustling our hair.

He stopped and turned back round. This time, his eyes were black, and his fangs were showing as he advanced towards us. "You brought some snacks."

Alex rush forward with Edward, grandpa, and the rest of the family, threatening James with a ball of fire in her hand. "Back off, asshole."

Laurent and Victoria rushed forward with looks of hunger. Laurent looked at us in disbelief. "Humans?"

I built up the courage to stand beside her and glared at him. Gabe stood to my left, and Justin stood the other side of Alex. "As you are on our family's territory, you will not be permitted to hurt anyone."

"Eleanora." Edward called out to me as he pushed Bella back.

I ignored him and focused my attention on James. "Drinking human blood is forbidden. The same rules apply to drinking my friends blood, as well as my own. If you dare move one step closer towards my family, you will suffer the consequences. Seems fair, does it not?"

Victoria pointed at Alex and Justin. "You're a witch, and you're a wizard, but you're both also human?" She then pointed at Gabe. "You smell like a human, but also something that came out of the ocean."

Gabe sniffed his shirt and shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, that's probably the new cologne I'm wearing."

"And you....you are a vampire, but you are also something else." Laurent pointed out as he tried to figure out what I was. "You cannot be a fairy because they no longer exist...yet your scent matches that of a fairy, as well as a vampire. If not your scent, then it is your strange eyes that give it away."

"That's because I am both." I said truthfully.

"They say a fairy's blood makes you stronger." James tried to grab me, but Laurent pulled him back, and Edward and aunt Cat pulled me back towards them. "I've always wondered what a fairy's blood tastes like."

"Well, you can keep wondering because I won't allow you to have a single drop." Edward spoke with a threatening tone.

"The teenagers are with us." Grandpa informed the three of them. "I think it's best you leave."

"I can see that the game is over." Laurent said in a calm tone. "We'll go now." He glanced at James, giving him a warning look. "James." James continued to growl at me, but didn't try to grab me this time, and instead, listened to Laurent and turned around. He wrapped an arm around Victoria and sent us one last look before leaving the field with Victoria and Laurent.

"Get Bella out of here." Grandpa instructed Edward.

"What about Eleanora and the others?" Edward asked.

"I'll take them back to Sam and Emily's. They'll be safe there because Laurent, James, and Victoria can't cross over wolf territory." Aunt Cat reassured him before opening up a portal beside her that had Sam and Emily's place on the other side.

I smiled and nodded at Edward. "You go. Bella needs protecting more than we do anyway."

Edward hesitated before nodding slightly. "Okay, but whatever you do, do not leave under any circumstances." He walked away with Bella and got into the truck and drove away pretty fast.

I took one last look at where Edward left with Bella in the truck before stepping into the portal with Alex, Justin, Gabe, and aunt Cat and making our way inside.

Today went from a good day, to a bad one in less half an hour.

**End Of Chapter 14**

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