🥀✨Chapter 13: Just A Normal Family Game Of Baseball✨🥀

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During the weekend, Gabe and I decided to practice the set for the prom, while Alex had detention (don't ask), and Justin was looking through The Lore of Fay & Friends book for information.

When we took a break, we decided to talk about the book. Gabe was spinning himself around on the chair in the room he shared with Justin, staring at nothing in particular in thought. "Do you think we'll find out what our element power is soon? If we do, I wouldn't know where to begin with training."

"Me neither, my friend." I spoke with my back leaning against the wall. I also have a few notebooks a pens placed beside me on the bed as well. "But when we do do the training, we'll all be cheering each other on like in High School Musical when people got behind The Wildcats."

"Uh, no." Gabe blinked thrice. "You did not just use a cheesy Disney musical for an example." He suddenly snickered. "You said 'do do'."

I screwed up some plain paper and threw it at him, but it bounced off his head and landed in his hand. "Oh, you know what I mean."

"Speaking of games, your family has that baseball game tomorrow, right?" He threw the ball of paper at me and I caught it. "Do you think they will let us play as well?"

I smirked and threw paper ball back at him. He caught it and was catching it back and fourth between his hands. "Gabe, are you suggesting you want to play baseball with them?"

He smile sheepishly and shrugged. "I dunno...maybe? I used to play it with my family when I was a kid, and when my parents weren't so busy with work and stuff. I kinda miss doing that, you know?"

"Let's see...you against vampires who run really fast, and I mean really fast...you might actually get a chance at winning, or at least run to one of the posts." Justin walked in, carrying the Lore of Fay & Friends book in one hand. "That is, if they are kind enough to allow you that much, considering Rosalie can be a little impatient, and Emmett can be quite competitive, as seen on a game of Mario Kart."

Gabe nodded. "Yeah, that dude does not like playing as a mushroom, and I thought mushrooms were pretty good drivers in the game."

"Not in Emmett's case, apparently." I commented before turning to Justin. "So, did you manage to find anything interesting in the book that might be of use to us?"

He took a seat at the end of the bed and opened the book. "Yeah, there's something in the book about another way we can find out what our elemental powers are."

He flipped through it until he got to a certain page. "It says that: 'The weather can change depending on the mood the elemental users are in. For example, if the Air and Water users are upset, the sky will roar with thunder, and the clouds will rain down as if the clouds themselves were crying. If it is warm, then the Fire, Earth, and Sun users are happy and/or content. If the one who holds the power of Sun is sad, the sky will plunge into darkness, and if the one who holds the power of the Moon is calm, then the moon will shine bright enough that those hiding within the shadows will be visible.'"

"I wonder who has the power of the Moon 'cause that seems like an awesome power to have, especially if you're alone at night, and you feel like someone is following you." Gabe thought out loud.

I slid off the bed and threw the paper ball back to Gabe. "Who knows? The book mentions six people. All we know so far is that Alex discovered that her element is Fire."

"Don't you worry about that."

I raised a brow at aunt Cat, who suddenly popped in. "What are you planning this time?"

She waved a hand in dismissal. "Oh, nothing." She turned to point a finger at Gabe and Justin. "You, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Cromwell, will be playing baseball tomorrow with the rest of the Cullen family. The same goes for Nora as well."

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