He whistled a very sharp whistle, and 12 young-looking immortals walked forward. They were the children of the former demigods, but none except the ten and the actual children knew this.

 "Allow me to introduce our children," Jason spoke. "That is James Tristan Grace and Matthew Gleason Grace, mine and Piper's sons," They looked like Jason but with Piper's eyes. James was 25 and looked it, and Matthew was 20 and looked it. 

"That is Sadie Calypso Jackson, Sally Zoe Jackson, and Magnus Carter Jackson, children of Percy and Annabeth Jackson," He continued as he pointed to them. 

Sadie looked just like Sadie Kane for some reason, but with Percy's eyes, Sally looked like a blend of Annabeth and Percy's mother but again with Percy's eyes, and Magnus looked like Percy but with Annabeth's eyes. They were triplets; all were 30 and made themselves look 21.

"That is Samuel Perseus Zhang and Emily Marie Zhang, children of Frank and Hazel Zhang," he said as he pointed at the boy who looked like a less buff Frank with Hazel's hair color and the girl who looked like Hazel but with Frank's hair and eye colors. They were 18 and 19, respectively, and they looked it.

"That is Bianca Hylla Di Angelo, William Lee Di Angelo, and Michael Jason Di Angelo, children of Nico and Reyna Di Angelo," he said as he pointed at the girl who looked like Bianca with Reyna's eyes, the boy who looked like Reyna's father with Nico's hair, and the boy who looked like Nico but with Reyna's hair and eye colors. Bianca and William(commonly called Will) were 15-year-old twins, and Michael was 12 as they made themselves look a year older than they were. 

"That is Luke Amaltheia(he saved her life while she was on the run, also the reason she has her shield) Valdez and Esperanza Ashe Valdez," he said as he pointed to the guy who looked more like Thalia than Leo and the girl who looked more like Leo than Thalia. They were both nine, but they looked 12.

"Well, now that introductions are over, they shall begin the torture of those remaining," Nico said as they walked to the kneeling 5. The five bindings changed to chains, and the demigods were forced onto their knees. 

The children all started bickering about who would get to torture them. After a few minutes of arguing and the parents laughing at their kids, Piper said, "Alrighty now, children, that's enough arguing. How bout you draw straws."

As she said it, the children all nodded as Samuel waved his hand, and some straws of different lengths appeared. He turned around, away from them, mixed them up, and handed them to his mother as she said, "Alrighty, pick your straw."

They all grabbed a straw. Five of them suddenly pumped their fists. The five that drew that they would be the torturers were Bianca, Emily, Magnus, Sadie, and James. The children of Percy and Annabeth approached the children of the sea god with an evil glint in their eyes.

"How would you like to know what it feels like to drown?" Magnus asked them. "We heard how disrespectful to Mom and Dad you were, so you're gonna pay," Sadie said. They raised their hands towards the daughters and summoned water similar to the kind that nearly drowned Percy in Rome. In other words, water that can't be breathed in.

The girls started thrashing as much as they could in their chains, which wasn't much, and Poseidon began to strain against his restraints, and he broke out due to Frank being distracted. He rushed towards the children as Magnus tilted his head and lifted his other hand to the god of the sea. 

Magnus froze him in time as all the gods got wide-eyed at the display of power from the young immortal. "What?" He asked. "I'm the prince of the universe. Son of the king of the universe Perseus Jackson, the primordial successor of Pontus and blessed by Chaos, and Annabeth Jackson, the primordial successor of Chronos. I have water and time mastered and a little bit of my dad's chaos powers. Of course, I can stop the weak lord of the seas."

Everyone looked at Percy. "You never told us Chaos blessed you," Reyna said. Percy shrugged, and Annabeth said, "Well when Chaos showed up to bless his sword, it wasn't just the sword he blessed. He gave Percy his blessing, which gave him some Chaos powers."

While this was happening, the girls drowned in their bubbles, and the other three tortured the demigods. After the five loyal demigods were tortured to death, the gods were all chalk white and scared for their lives.

"Well," Emily said happily, "that's done soooo... what now, Mom?" she asked as she looked at her mother. "Well, now we send them to Tartarus, obviously," Frank said, and they all nodded. Percy snapped his fingers and smiled wickedly. "This is gonna hurt a lot," Percy said as he started causing their blood to boil and expand. 

A few seconds later, the gods were all screaming in agony, and then all burst into golden dust clouds. 

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