Chapter 6

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Frank POV

Jason and I walked to Thalia's pine and as I stretched out my hand I said, "If she hadn't said to do it this way I would have never touched this tree." As I said that I channeled my powers from Gaea to obliterate both the tree and the barrier around the camp.

 As I was doing it trying to be subtle so nobody noticed, a boy who looked strikingly similar to Annabeth was walking through the camp and he noticed us and then he proceeded to walk up to me and Jason.

 "What do you think you're doing?!" he demanded as he crossed the border. Jason raised his eyebrow and looked at me and said, "Did he really just say that? Who are you?"

"My name is Malcom son of Athena and who are you and what do you think you're doing?"

 Jason tilted his head as I kept doing what I was doing. "You may call me Jason and he's Frank" he stated.

The boy named Malcolm looked scared, "As in the Jason and Frank from the prophecy of seven? The same two who are supposed to be being tortured on the edge of Void?" He was scared and confused. "Why are you here? What are you doing?"

"What a dumb question. What does it look like we are doing?" I retorted still mostly focused on what I was doing as I didn't want the gods to figure out what I was up to. As confident as I am that I can beat the council that is not the plan. They must suffer before we cast them into the pit for all eternity. Also, we need the barrier down so we can enter easily whenever we want and send monsters to attack at a later date.

The son of Athena drew his sword. "It looks like you're destroying the tree and the magic border of the camp," he said looking absolutely furious. Jason laughed maniacally.

"Well done, Athena spawn, but because you have figured it out, you must die," Jason said. 

"Well, Grace, in your absence, I have become quite the formid-" Malcolm didn't get to finish his statement due to the fact he no longer had a head on his shoulders and Jason's white and gold sword gleamed in the moonlight with a hint of red on the blade. 

"I don't see formidable. Weak maybe, but not formidable." Jason said, bored. I sighed, "Jason, I wanted the first kill!" I complained to him. Jason just shrugged, "My b, hurry up I want to get out of here, the urge to burn this place to the ground is getting stronger." Suddenly the tree shuddered and turned to dirt, and the barrier that protected the camp disappeared. 

"Finally." I said, "That took longer than expected; we should hurry. Also remember to leave 2000 assorted campers and leave the children of Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, and Ares alone so they can die in front of their parents." Jason nodded at this as we walked calmly from cabin to cabin, killing half of all of the campers without raising an alarm. 

About halfway through our mission, we came across a 5-year-old daughter of Hecate on her way to the bathroom, and I stabbed her in the heart with an earthen knife without a second of hesitation or any remorse. Why should I care about anyone except those who literally went through hell with me? We kept going till around 2000 campers were left. Most of the ones we killed were under the age of 16, but we didn't care. 

I looked at Jason and said, "Last thing, we must destroy the armory and disable the forges, I'll take the forges, and then you destroy the armory, do it in exactly 5 minutes." He nodded and said, "Let's do this and go before I 'accidentally'(he did air quotes) burn this whole camp to the ground."

I went to the forges under the Hephaestus cabin and found a young boy around 15 working on something that looked like a mini centaur, and he was muttering about wanting a magic centaur that kills flys. 

I promptly knocked him out, took him upstairs, and laid him on the floor next to the stairs that led to the forges. Then I pointed at the forges, and they collapsed in a miniature earthquake, and none of the campers stirred due to my earthquake.

I went back to Jason and right as I arrived he looked at me and said, "Just in time to watch the show." As soon as he said that, he raised his hands, and a blinding white light hit the armory. It exploded in a massive firebomb as all the Greek fire that was stored in it exploded. 

The explosion caused all the campers to stir, and screams were heard throughout the camp as they saw their dead, brothers, sisters, and friends, The cabins that were untouched rushed out towards the fire and saw us disappear in a flash of light and an earthquake.


this wasn't that exciting of a chapter aside from showing how merciless they are but the next chapter is the slaughter of the hunters of Artemis soooo ima make it good I hope, wish me luck

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