Chapter 5

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Jason POV

Hazel sent the boy to Tartarus's entrance, and the women all climbed into the laps of their husbands. As Piper settled into my lap, Percy waved his hand, and the screen we all worked together to make able to view anything anywhere descended as we saw the son of Pluto sprint towards his father's palace. 

 As he burst into the throne room where Hades and Persephone were talking, they looked at him a bit surprised as he had always been calm and collected in their eyes. "Father!" he spoke urgently, "Call a meeting of the gods on Olympus. It is very urgent!"

Hades flashed them to the throne room on Olympus and shot a black beam into the air as the 12 Olympians and Hestia flashed into their thrones. Zeus looked at him and spoke, "Brother, why did you call us here? Did you receive news of those traitors who are supposed to help us before we put them back in the pit after we use them?"

Hades pointed at his son and said, "He said he had something urgent to say and needed me to call a meeting." All eyes immediately turned toward the son of Pluto.

Grayson said, "I swore an oath on the Styx to deliver this message to the full council of the gods while the camps and the hunters were contacted through an Iris message."

Zeus yelled, "IRIS!" as an IM appeared at the camps and the hunters of Artemis. All eyes went toward the demigod once again. "Still a jerk," I grumbled quietly, and Piper chuckled. 

He spoke, "I have a message from a group who call themselves the primordials," a gasp was heard from those who were nerds, such as Athena, her spawn, and Hephaestus and his spawn. 

"They said, 'Tell the gods that we intend to see the gods fall one way or another; we will rule the world after we topple the thrones of the foolish gods. The betrayed heroes will watch as the gods are cast into the deepest parts of the pit for eternity.' and 'It has begun.' Those were the exact words from those called E and G."

We were all laughing at the terrified expressions on everyone's faces. Then Athena said, "E must have been Eros, and G must have been Gaea." They all got even more scared, and we were all laughing hysterically. 

Ares said, "I thought.. oh wait, the traitors never actually bested Gaea; they just pretended to those punks! I will crush them! What about those weak demigods, boy? Surely, you found something out about them?"

We were all fuming at the accusations of never trying to beat Gaea. Grayson answered, "Lord Ares, the primordial called Ta said they were on the edge of the void, whatever that means, and Kronos and the other titans are torturing them for being annoying, if I had to guess." 

"Ta must be Tartarus," Athena murmured just barely audibly. Then she looked at the annoying son of Pluto and demanded, "What were the other's names?"

Grayson, who was a master of words(not), said, "Um... they were... umm." "Oh, for our sakes!" Hestia said as she walked up, placed her hand on his forehead, and projected his memories. I was thrilled to see our disguises of color changing to the primordial we were pretending to be worked as it started with Reyna introducing us all and Athena announcing confidently and correctly the names of who we were pretending to be.

After she introduced us all, the memory disappeared, and the gods were still wholly terrified, except for Athena, who was muttering to herself. Finally, she said, "Their threat is empty! The primordials cannot leave their domain or the pit without being weakened to that of a minor god, so we can easily beat them if we fight them outside of their element!" Zeus said, "Everyone go and train. We have a war coming; council dismissed!" he thundered as the video turned off.

Well, we all found that quite rude, but the gods enjoyed the news, and we all made eye contact, and Thalia growled, "We attack tonight. Let us see how they like our 'empty threat.'" Annabeth said, "Yes, we attack with the same force we already planned and the time we planned. I can't believe I forgot!" She smacked her forehead, looked at Piper, and asked, " How many Amazons are there?" 

Piper answered her, "Not many, only about 2000." "Ok, well, Piper and Hazel, you will go eliminate them, and that will be that. Reyna and Nico, you know where the hunters are, right?" They all nodded in acknowledgment as Nico said, "Yeah, they are in a forest near Savannah, Georgia." 

"Ok," I said, "so we have about four hours till the attack on Camp Half-Blood, The Hunters, and Atlantis and about seven till the attack on Camp Jupiter and the Amazons; what do we do till then?"

"Movie? I have still not seen Avengers Infinity War, and I hear the heroes die," Percy suggested. We all agreed and went to watch the movie he requested. The lights were off, and in between the scenes, when it was silent, you could hear us all (cause we were all doing it) making out and whispering to our significant others. After the movie ended, we all went to our five different bedrooms, each couple to their own obviously, and well, you can probably guess what we did. 

-----3 hours after the meeting-----

 Percy, Annabeth, Reyna, Nico, Frank, and I met to wish each other luck as we transported ourselves using different powers to our target. I lightning Traveled myself, and Frank Earth traveled to the bottom of Half-Blood Hill. Frank and I smirked at each other, and I said, "Remember, we are leaving around 2000 of them, so when we send our army, they can crush them." Franks grinned evilly and said, "Still wish we could eliminate them."

I laughed and said, "I agree, but do you want the King and Queen to be mad at us for messing up their plans?" He laughed at me and said, "Percy won't do anything to us. It's his wife we would have to fear if we went off the plan. Did you see what she did to Hyperion after he tried to attack Percy? Gods, it was great to watch, but I never want to experience it. Cutting off every limb of his and rewinding time so he's perfectly healed for hours? I do not want to experience that."

"Fair enough; well, let us begin our attack," I say as we walk toward Thalia's pine.

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