I entered a room that was filled with various beauty items, I didn't even recognize some, I sat down on one of the chairs as I waited.

Soon I heard the door opened as a stylish looking lady came in.

"Hello, I'm Sonia, you must be Elena," she asked......."Yes you're correct" I answered.

"Okay, now that we've introduce ourselves, would you tell me what I can do for you?" She asked.

"I need you to make me unrecognizable, even to myself, my hair, my eyes and everything that can be changed, I want that bastard ex to see me and regret what he has done,".....I was still playing the heart broken girl card.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry, who ever that boy is, he is a loser," ..I nodded in agreement looking broken.

"You are one beauty and he let you go, If you look this way, by the time I'm done with you, he'll be begging on his knees for you," She looked so serious, I couldn't wait to see what she could do.

She sat me down as she began working on me, first she cut my long hair, I almost felt bad because I have never had a reason to carry short hair, I've always loved my long hair. Instead of a frown, my face broke into a smile because it felt like I was letting go of something that has been holding me down, cutting my hair felt like I was transitioning into a new person, it felt liberating.

She cut my hair and made it shoulder length and then she dyed it with black, making it look dangerously black, I liked it. She then straightened it and brought some hair to the front of my face to cut, perhaps she wanted them to be fringes, I closed my eyes as to prevent the hair from falling into my eyes, I didn't open my eyes again, I was enjoying the attention my hair was receiving, she started cleaning my face, I guess to remove any hair on my face.

Then she told me to look into the mirror. As I saw myself, I was shocked,  the hair changed me to a whole new person, It brought out the spirit me, I looked fearless, and at that moment that was how I felt.

As brown eyes stare back at me in the mirror I immediately decided what my new eye color would be.

"Green," I muttered.

"Excuse me, Green what?" She asked.

"I want my new eye color to be green, green lens would be just perfect," I told her .

She looked at my face deep in thought, holding my chin turning my head side to side as if examining my face, she looked really funny like that, I almost wanted to laugh but didn't want to offend her.

When it seemed like she had gotten what she wanted she looked back at me and smile in satisfaction saying; "Green would be just perfect,"...

After making the necessary payment and promising to keep in touch which I definitely wouldn't, because right now I couldn't make any relationship, whether professional or not.

With a smile on my face and warmth in my heart I exited the building of my special stylish feeling like a new me has emerged, now I needed to shop for what to wear, not in a luxurious shopping center, but somewhere average that won't call for attention.

There were lot of malls around 'THE BEST TOUCH' all I needed was to find the one that fits the standard I was looking for, I walked away from the building as I began scanning other buildings, I spotted a mall with transparent glass so I stood to admire the outfit they had, I've never been one for window shopping, anything I wanted, I always go get it, but right now I just couldn't. I took enough money to last me a long time, but you never know who is watching.

I took my eyes away from the expensive looking mall as I turned to an average looking store, I should just check that one out.

I made my way to the store, it had everything you could possibly think of, as I got in, one of the staff came to me to ask what I needed, I told her clothes, shoes and underwears for my size. She took me to where I could find my size.

After shopping for all the necessary things I would be needing, I paid and left, my next stop before I return to the hotel was to go to a shop where I could buy a new laptop and phone so I could change all my contact details, no one would be able to get a hold of me, no matter how they tried.

It seems like this side of the city was meant for clothing and everything beauty, I should check around I would definitely find a phone store.

Soon enough I found a phone store, I made my purchase for a phone, laptop and flash drive, after getting them, I made my way back to the hotel.

As I got to the hotel, I saw one of the staff who usually cleans my room, she noticed the bags in my hands and gave me a smile showing she was proud that I had gotten up from whatever sulking I had made them believe I was doing over a relationship.

I returned her a smile of my own as I made my way to my room, as I got to my room, I settled everything I got on the bed, I'll have to take care of everything later.

Now that step one of my transformation was complete, I needed to take care of the next step.

The laptop had already been programmed, so I just took the charger, plugging it as I put it on and patiently waited for it to come up. 

What I needed to do now is a change of identify, first I cleared anything that could trace me to Australia, I then changed my identity, anything about Cara Elena Santiago has become history, because anyone who search for me would only be disappointed because there would be nothing on me.

It took me sometime before I successfully cleared everything about me, I changed my new name to Jenny Houston, With that done I took a deep breath in and out.

I have to start my life afresh, no more being paranoid, no more fear, I will be ready when they find me, but for now, lets play the cat and mouse game and see who gets tired first..... maybe them from chasing me or me from running.

I folded all the clothes in the new suitcase I got and took my money from where I hid it, I couldn't trust anyone, someone could enter my room while I was away and steal my money, I hadn't put the money in the bank because I was being scared of someone knowing my identity, now I could open a new account and put the money in the bank if I wish, but I don't plan on doing that now.

I couldn't risk people suspecting anything, how come I just got into the country within two days, stayed in a cheap hotel and have such amount of money? It would be really suspicious, no, I couldn't risk that.

I didn't really know how much was inside the bag but I knew there's a  huge sum of money in the bag, not like I could have counted it while I was trying to escape and not like I plan on counting it.

I needed to leave this hotel soon, maybe I should start looking for a cheap house to rent, because I don't plan on staying in this hotel forever.

With that in mind, I picked up my laptop and began my house hunting.

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