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The walk to the home was over too quickly as they arrived at a large brick building with a green copper roof and lots of white decorative wooden trim. "It looks like a Nun House." Hannah said. There had been one in her town next to the oldest church. It only had a handful of very senior residence before it had been closed. Reduced to a place teens broke in to tell ghost stories, drink and have sex.

Max laughed a little bit. Hannah wasn't wrong. "Maybe because it was a convent. A long time ago. There was a monastery Damon plans to build his resort around and in." Max turned red, before hushing his voice. "That hasn't been announced yet, so we can't talk about it." Everyone easily following the instruction to keep the resort plans under cover as a nurse greeted them at the door. Welcoming them and offering to give them a tour of the different floors, highlighting the modifications and updates made to meet the needs of various people. Hannah's dad would be on the top floor, which had the best views. Each bedroom had a large window that overlooked the picturesque dream of the rural pack. Fields and forests and gardens depending on the direction the window faced.

Everything had been bright, and clean. Even when Hannah had looked closer. Making sure it was actually clean in the facility, and not just surface clean. All the staff she saw were smiling, and happy as they interacted with the residents. Who themselves seemed much more happy and engaged than Hannah had ever seen at her dad's current home. He was well cared for, but this, was another level of care. She could feel it as she walked around. Even on the floor her dad would be, there would be just three other residents who needed that level of care, The floor manager talked about how they maintained any therapy that was needed and hosted weekly movie nights with all the residents coming together, the nurses on duty watching the movies, and any family who wished to join were always welcome.

The kitchens were spotless, dietary restrictions and cultural diets all respected. A dietitian on site to make sure diets were balanced and everyone was getting what they needed. It was never any problem to ensure everyone was eating at this home. At the end of the extensive tour Hannah was more than ready to sign anything that would bring her father here. The ice around her heart starting to recede as she let herself get swept up. Let her mates take care of her. Her only regret was that Deloris couldn't come with her father. She was the best nurse Hannah had ever seen. Always so happy and thoughtful in her work. 

As Hannah was at the front desk signing the papers that had been brought over from the main pack house while she looked at the facility, Emma the director, cleared her throat while Hannah was finishing reading the details of the last page she had to sign or initial. Even if this place seemed perfect, she was still going to read every single word and re read it if she had to until she was sure she understood what she was signing.

Hannah looked up at Emma, "We are almost always looking for more staff to hire, if you know of any excellent nurses or other staff of note we might cross paths with while helping your father move, we would be certain to offer a more than competitive offer of employment." Emma wasn't a wolf, she was a witch, not overly powerful. In fact she was nearly powerless on her own. She knew it, and it bothered her. She had such big plans when she was a child. Her family was strong in magic, she was sure when her power manifested she would join the ranks of her heroes. Instead she was below average, in every score. Middling at water elemental was the most positive thing to be said for her powers. Emma was a practical person, once it was clear she had to give up her childhood dream of being an epic adventurer, chasing vampires, or even demons. Give up fighting to make the world a better place. She decided to do what she could to change the world. Ideally she hoped for the better.

Emma did small things. she opened up as many little doors as she could ever think of to give fate the chance it might need to change the course of things. The wind from the flap of a butterfly's wing to a tsunami style of changes. Who knew what small chance might be the one that sparked a big change.

Moving people around seemed to be a very good way to move fates Emma had realised as she studied her magic, and the history of magic. So many events, including the most recent near apocalypse had been set in motion by one person moving. The same almost world ending event had only  been prevented from actually ending the world because of another person taking a leap and moving. Open options, that was a way to influence the world without also having a lot of power behind it. It was her way. She had found some excellent employees this way as well. No bad side at all to just giving people a chance to change their fate.

"Deloris is wonderful." Hannah said. Feeling unsure. But it wasn't doing that much. It was just a real job offer from a competitor. Happened all the time. Embarrassed she admitted, "I don't know her last name, I'm sorry, I'm certain there is only one Deloris on shift with my dad." She felt she should have known her last name, guilty that she hadn't asked.

"That is more than enough for us to work with, Thank you Hannah, I look forward to meeting your dad." Emma smiled reassuringly at Hannah. The facility her father was being housed was certainly the best by reputation that Hannah had been able to afford. Emma knew money talked, and knew the rates being charged. On paper alone Emma had already known that Hannah was a woman who was willing to pay to make sure her family was taken care of. Meeting Hannah, and seeing the new complete Beta family had changed her perspective. She had always wanted to be close to a historic moment. To be at the cusp of a twist in fate. She had a buoyant feeling that things were going to be exciting in the future.

Hannah thanked Emma for everything. Holland and Max leading the way back outside. Done at the home, it was time to head to the pack house. Hannah had to be introduced to Bryan and welcomed into the pack. Along with everyone else. Then some land to build a home that could accommodate them had to be figured out. "We can stay in my apartment at the pack house tonight. Only I have the key." Max told his mates. Suppressing his anxiety over this decision. It had been his sanctuary. Where he kept everything that was truly important to him. Where he had been able to be himself. 

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