Battle of dance! The cure's shining ballet.

Start from the beginning

Yui had just gotten out when she saw the Darkaro together with her niece and her friend. "Aoi let's go!" Kyoko said and Aoi nodded.

The girls and fairies flew around in a pink and blue void and smiled. "Inner lights. Illuminate!" They all shouted and lights appeared from them, making a pink and blue round crystals. "Yinsy." Kyoko started. "Yangso." Aoi then added. "Change up!" They both said and the fairies shined before turning into a round circles with a hole in the middle. Their arms and heads was still there, together with Yangso's tail. "Light crystal ready." Kyoko and Aoi said before throwing the crystals at the fairies who caught them in their arms.

The crystals glew and the girls grabbed respective fairy. "Pretty cure, light up!" They all shouted and light appered around them. Their outfits appeared. It was their gloves, dresses, shoes, earrings and necklaces. Then their hair changed too. Yinsy and Yangso then flew onto the girl's waists, where Yinsy earned a pat on the head. And Yangso earned a high five.

Kyoko landed on the ground with cherry blossoms flying from her. "The blooming light of passion. Cure Sakura!" She said and did her pose.

Aoi landed on the ground with water drops flying from her. "The splashing light of wisdom. Cure Afrodite!" She said and did her pose.

"We ninja of light will protect everyone's shining hopes and dreams." They both started and stood in a pink and blue void. "Ninja light, pretty cure!" They ended and pink and blue sparks appered around them.

Yui looked at Afrodite in shock as the cures started to fight the Darkaro. Her niece was a hero and fought monsters. She couldn't believe it.

Sakura went for an attack on the Darkaro but it jumped into the air and started to spin on it's way down. As it hit the ground the cures got knocked back. It's tutu then spun around as a blade as it went towards the cures. Luckily they managed to jump away but didn't notice that a little of their hair got chopped off. Amane saw this and grabbed it smirking.

"It's very good. How are we gonna defeat it?" Sakura asked and Afrodite thought about it. She thought about what his aunt said about balance and got and idea. "Keep it busy. I got an idea." She said and Sakura nodded before jumping into the air.

Cherry blossom flowers appered around Sakura and and turned into shurikens. "Sakura shurikens!" She yelled and realised her attack.

The Darkaro got hit and distracted, not noticing Afrodite who summoned her staff.

The two big orbs on her staff glew as Sakura drew a circle of light. "Let's gather the wisdom and knowledge!" She said as crystals of ice appered from the circle. Afrodite then held her staff up. "Afrodite ice shower!" She yelled and aimed her staff at the Darkaro.

The ice hit one side of the Darkaro's tutu, making a big chunk of ice appere. This made the Darkaro lose its balance and fall. "What!?" Amane said and Afrodite smiled. "To much weight on one side and you fall." She said and Yui smiled. "Sakura summoned her staff and looked at Afrodite. "Let's finish." She said and Afrodite nodded.

Both cures stood in a pink and blue void holding their staffs. Light came from the tips as they drew shapes. Sakura drew a flower as Afrodite drew a water drop. "Let passion and wisdom connect!" They said as the shapes flew together into a pink and blue heart. It glew strongly as the cures crossed their staffs. "Pretty cure. Passionate wisdom burst!" They screamed and pushed their staffs forward, making the giant heart of light hit the Darkaro.

It exploded into light, making the rose gold light orb fly back into the girl, which made her eyes turn back to normal as her hopes and dreams came back. Amane caught the metal on her pendant. She then looked at the strains of hair she got from the cures and smirked at them. "I'm impressed. But I know next time will be your doom." She said before teleporting away. The girls transformed back into their civilian forms.

Yui ran inside quickly before they got back inside themselves. "Sorry it took us a long time aunt Yui. We needed to fix something." Aoi said and Yui smiled at her and Kyoko. "It's okay. now let's continue the dancing." She said and everyone nodded.

They all kept dancing until it was the end of the lesson. The other girls walked home as Yui walked home together with Aoi and Kyoko. "It was the best lesson I've ever been on." Kyoko said happily. "Yeah. You're a great dancer. Maybe you should be a ballerina." Aoi suggested and Kyoko thought about it before smiling. "Great idea. The famous ballerina Kyoko Hanako! A really catchy title." She said and the others smiled.

"Your friend really is special. Like you my dear." Yui said and wrapped an arm around Aoi. "Thanks aunt Yui. I love you." Aoi said and Yui smiled. She didn't say anything about what she saw. It was better that they didn't know.

In the darkened kingdom was Amane talking to Calypso. "How did it go?" Calypso asked and Amane smirked. "I lost the light orb. But I got got some of their hair. I'll be able to default them once and for all." She said and Calypso grinned big.

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