Chapter Eleven | Getting Ready

Start from the beginning

Okay. I'm parked in front of your house.

I hear her front door open, I spring my head upwards to see her smile at me. I couldn't help but let my lips curl upwards when I see Y/N walking out with a navy colored dress. Seems my gut instinct saved me from a disaster of mismatched clothes.

I get out the car and open the passenger side, greeted by Y/N's signature closed-eye smile and a silent thank you. I close her door and get in the driver's side. "You didn't have to drive me to the restaurant, Enji."

Y/N's POV: Car Ride

Enji returns his gaze at the car when he takes it off park, and makes his way to the exit gate. "Well it's not fully my treat if I'm having you drive to the restaurant, is it?"

I chuckle at his counter, staring at Enji, who doesn't notice it. "Well thank you for driving me and treating me to dinner, Enji."

"No problem. I did say I'd treat you to dinner anytime," Enji says, not taking his eyes off the road. "You look good in that dress."

My face goes pink from the compliment. Why is my stomach so all over the place? "Oh—thanks. You look good, too, Enji."

Ring Ring~

I snap out of my train of thoughts, silently thanking god that there's a distraction waiting for me on the other line. I check it, but it's blank. "It's your phone Enji."

"Do you mind if I take this?" Enji says, struggling to connect the phone to his ear piece.

"You don't have to ask—but yes, go ahead," I quickly add, not wanting to drag on my answer.

Enji mouths 'thank you' before answering the call. "Hello? Yes, this is—what? Wait, say that again...No, I'm busy right now...another time..."

I shiver at the sudden change of voice. It was as if he were in the presence of the media, because his cold, serious voice was back in action.

I guess seeing the nice side of Enji for so long I forgot he had this side in him still. I steal a quick glance at Enji, a rush of warmth overcoming my body.

We match outfits—thank you god. I was scared it would be a total fail. Enji kinda looks good in that navy suit. It makes him look so...what am I saying?

I whip my head to face the road unfolding in front of me, forcing myself to focus on the busy streets, seeing many couples roaming the street.

"Okay...bye," Enji growls as soon as the phone call ends, sending another shiver down my spine.

He sounds so hot when he does that. Wait—no. This is so wrong. He's my boss. I can't be having these thoughts of him. But, he's so sexy when he's mad...

I must've been completely off into space, because when I finally catch Enji's voice, it sounds as if he repeated himself way too many times. "Oh—yes?"

"Are you alright Y/N? You seemed...distracted," Enji said, a worried expression plastered on his face.

Great. Now he thinks my head is always in the clouds. Not a very great first impression out of work.

I try to play it off by flapping my hand dismissively, my face burning up. "I'm fine, just in over my thoughts a little too much sometimes."

"I know what that's like," Enji gives a chuckle. Definitely didn't do that earlier.

After a good conversation about random things that turned into our common hobbies, the car pulls up into a parking lot. "We're here already?"

"Yep," Enji gets out of the car and opens the passenger side. "Here you go."

"Thank you," I smile at Enji and get out of the car, walking towards the restaurant together.

"No problem. Let's get to dinner, shall we?" Enji says, holding out his arm.

I intertwine my arm in his, placing my free hand on his arm. "We shall," I smile at him and walk towards the restaurant.

I marble over the well dressed people and the beautiful shops and restaurants all over the city. It seems that this city really is the boujee side of Japan.

"You see something you like?" Enji asks, looking down to see my distracted eyes.

"Everything here looks so...beautiful. I wonder how often pro heroes come here," I said, turning my head to make sure I don't miss any shops.

Enji chuckles, making me snap out of my trance. "If you see something you want to try, we can go another time—if you want."

"Really..?! Thanks Enji!" I said, feeling my heart do somersaults.

"Anything for you," I freeze when the words leave his mouth, both of our faces slowly turning pink. Enji whips his head forward, trying to control his flushed cheeks. "I—I mean, anything for you because you're..."

I laugh when I see him struggle to find words, his face sweating. "I get what you mean Enji, don't worry."

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