Push and Pull Through

Start from the beginning

"Hey! It looks like Ruby and her team on heading out." He pointed out their sister team.

"WHAT?!!! TODAY?!!! LUCKY!!!" Nora complained about how they would be heading out early tomorrow morning and not right away like team RWBY.

"Let's go wish em luck. They're gonna need it." Jaune said snarky.

"Not everyone is as capable as you Jaune." Pyrrah sweatdropped at her leader's cockiness.

As the four made their way to their sister team, they managed to hear the last few words of little Ruby Rose.

"Looks like we're off to save the world with doctor Oobleck, yeah when you say it out loud it just sounds worse." She despondently said as the girls of team RWBY all bowed their heads.

And just like Jaune did before. Nora wasn't having any of it.

"SAVE THE WORLD?!!!" She exclaimed loudly. Making team RWBY turn to face them.

"She's seriously hamming it up this time." Jaune thought.

"YOUR GOING ON WORLD SAVING MISSIONS WITHOUT US?!!! I'M HURT!!! SAD!!! Maybe a little hungry. That last one's not your fault though, Ren." Her stomach gurgled as she growled the last part to Ren, who thankfully remained silent, crossing his arms and turned away from the ginger headed berserker.

"What was that about?" Yang asked her fellow blonde.

"Nora wanted 10 large chocolate muffins for breakfast, but we where in a bit of hurry because someone couldn't wait and decided to blitz his way to the amphitheater. So I had to drag her from to dinning hall before she could finish her sixth muffin." Ren replied as he glared at the man in question.

"Oh. Hehehe. Mmm-my bad." Jaune said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head.

"I'll say." The busty blonde snarked.

"Anyways. Saving the world. Sounds exciting. Where are you all going?"

"Oh just outside the kingdom." Ruby replied nonchalantly.

"Hey! So are we!" Nora perked up as she answered enthusiastically as she hopped up and down.

"We were offered to shadow a sheriff of a nearby village. And he happens to be one of Andito's colleges." Pyrrah explained as she put her hands on her hips.

"AND HE SOUNDED JUST LIKE REN!!!" Nora exclaimed as she put her own two cents.

"We set out tomorrow." Said person added at last.

"Then you can party with us tonight!" A new voice spoke up.

They turned to see Neptune with Sun in tow approaching them casually.

"We're shadowing a crime specialist. All inner city detective stuff. We get junior badges." Neptune continued, trying to play it off as cool.

"Urgh! We should've done that instead!" Jaune complained.

"And what's wrong with shadowing me for a week?" A familiar voice spoke up, sounding very annoyed.

Everyone looked behind JNPR to see Monty walking up to them. A look of being offended present on his face.

"Uhmmmm. Nothing sir!" Jaune exclaimed in fear.

"That's what I thought." Monty said in satisfaction.

"We normally go to the city with you guys. Which means stuff's always exploding and junk. So we thought this might be a better way to check out the kingdom when it's, you know, normal." Sun said.

"Well-" Ruby tried saying something before she was cut of by Dr Oobleck.

"Four minutes ladies!" The caffeine infected doctor called out from the bullhead.

Ruby grimaced and then looked embarrassed.

"Well, uh.....wish us luck!" She said, giving a thumbs up.

The four girl team made their way to the bullhead. The moment they were all on board, it took off to their assigned destination.

"Welp. We better head back. Gotta meet up with the guys. See ya." Neptune dismissed Sun and himself before walking away.

"Soooo? All in favor of training with Monty Oum before we shadow him raise your hands." Jaune suggested as all four of them raised their hands.

"Just a heads up. His training is gonna be as intense as Andi's." Jaune warned his team.

Ren and Pyrrah grew a little worried, but Nora.....

"I am so in! If I can get as strong as fearless leader!" She replied excitedly.

"It would be an interesting experience to say the least." Pyrrah said with uncertainty lacing her voice.

"It would also be beneficial if we were to succeed." Ren followed up.

"Good. Meet me in the combat room in half an hour. Take the time to physically and mentally prepare yourselves. Because I'm told that I'm as intense a teacher as dear old Andi." Monty smiled as he disappeared in a body flicker similar to how Andito and possibly many other crossers do.

"How do they do that?!" Jaune and Nora yelled out, wanting to learn the secret to the body flicker to be able to do it themselves one day.

"That's what you two are concerned about?" Ren questioned as he raised an eyebrow.

Combat Room 30 minutes later.....

Team JNPR arrived to the combat room at their designated time for Monty's training session. And all but Jaune were sweating nervously.

"Are you sure this is a wise choice? We may overwhelm ourselves." Ren stated his concerns.

"If we do then I'll just amp our aura to heal us. So we don't have much to worry about." Jaune assured his green claded teammate.

"Yeah! I'll be a super amped queen of the castle!" Nora cheered.

The huntsmen and huntresses in training's attention was grabbed by the presence in the room.

"I'm glad you could all make it." The voice of Monty spoke up from behind with a smile on his face. Though Jaune knew the real meaning of that smile. And to say he was scared was an understatement.

"Let the fun begin." Monty finished with a darker smile.

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