Dance Dance Infiltration

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The dance had been going smoothly. People where talking, others kept dancing, and Professor Port had been laughing at a story Doctor Oobleck had just told as they were both drinking who knows what. Professor Goodwitch and Ozpin were watching the events play out as someone had tapped Glynda's shoulder, revealing to be General Ironwood extending his hand, offering her to dance. To which she reluctantly accepted.

Ruby had been standing by the punch bowl with a glass in her hand. Jaune appeared right next to her with a glass of his own.

"I see you're hiding at the punch bowl." He quipped to the petie leader of team RWBY.

"Yup." She replied while popping the p at the end.

"Well that isn't a lot of fun." A voice from nearby called out to them.

They turned to the left to see Andito standing next to them appearing out of nowhere, surprising them a little. But what really surprised them, Jaune especially, was the fact he was in a tuxedo and his hair was styled for a formal event. His tuxedo consisted of a white dress shirt, black vest, black dress pants and black polished dress shoes. His neck was adorned by black and silver tie and he wore a long black dress coat over entire outfit, making him look like an old school Valean gangster.

"Woah!" They both said at the same time.

"If you're gonna hide back here, then you'll find yourself missing out on a lot. Dancing and fighting aren't too different from each other. Two partners interlocked to the beat and moving to the rhythm, but one wrong move can lead to a swollen foot. Or a sprained ankle." He said with a chuckle at the end.

"I guess." Ruby replied uncertain of herself at the moment.

"I don't know about you guys, but I have a date to dance with. Don't wanna keep her waiting." Jaune said as he walked off to look for Pyrrah.

Ruby looked down at her cup of punch with a somber expression on her face.

"I get it. Getting dressed up isn't for you. And those heels make it hard to move, let alone dance. You feel held back, and unbearably secluded." Andi spoke to the petite girl, catching her attention and making her look at him.

"Yeah. Basically." She replied with a sad smile.

"Maybe I can help with that." He said again.

He held up his index finger and a red glowing orb appeared on the top.

"What the?" Ruby said in confusion of what he's doing.

"Balance." Andito said as the orb then turned into a red beam of magic, zapping at Ruby's feet.

Ruby was surprised to say the least. But she soon noticed she now had no feeling of falling over.

"Wait! What?! How?!" She exclaimed in confusion at the ex-multiversal terrorist now instructor.

"A magician never reveals their secret." He calmly replied with a wink and a gentle smile.

Ruby went red at the face he gave her and got a little nervous.

"Oh. U-um. Thanks." She thanked him for her new found balance.

"It's my pleasure." He replied before extending his hand towards her. Ruby looked at him with a puzzled expression.


"May I have this dance?" He asked in a smooth voice.

Ruby got really flustered at the tone he used combined with the question he just asked.

"Uh. I-I. Mhmm." Though she stuttered, she took his hand as he embraced her into slow dancing. Dispite the difference in height, they managed to dance beautifully. Taking the steps and doing twirls like it was natural.

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