To Be A Father, To Be A Friend

Start from the beginning

     Logan observed the interaction, unsure whether to be concerned or amused. He watched with a worried expression in his eyes, but a fond smile on his lips as Remus held the dragon away from him. The dragon in Remus's hands was now flinging its claws around, causing Remus to laugh before setting it back down in the nest. The dragon sitting in front of Logan made a loud whine, causing Logan to turn curiously to it. It changed its position to stand on all fours, leaning down on it's front legs as if getting ready to pounce. When Logan looked it's way, the dragon wagged it's tail and looked up at him with big pleading eyes.

     Tilting his head in curiosity, Logan reached down and gently stroked the dragon's spine, which was covered in bumps. The dragon laid down, making a sort of trilling sound as Logan stroked it's head, neck, back, and tail.

     "Let's see..." Remus muttered, lifting up the dragon in his lap and looking under its tails. "This one's a boy..." He murmured before setting it down and picking up the other one. It growled and backed away from him, so he stopped moving and just held his hand in front of it. The dragon glared suspiciously at him before slowly stepping closer and sniffing his hand curiously. "There you go." Remus encouraged, chuckling as the dragon bit his hand. "Rude." He teased, gently bonking the dragon's head with his other hand to make it let go. The dragon did, and growled again before curling up and hiding in its wings.

     "Hmm... I think we'll name you ShyGuy." Remus told the smaller dragon that curled up in his lap. "And you will be Bowser." Remus declared, giving a playful glare to the dragon still avoiding him. Logan chuckled as he picked up the dragon in front of him, who gave no resistance other than attempting to climb up Logan's arm. "Pardon me," Logan stated, picking the dragon up again as it walked onto his shoulder. He lifted it up and checked under the tail, then set it down. "This one's a girl, I believe." He stated. "We'll name her Yoshi!" Remus cheered, trying again to pickup the dragon he named Bowser.

     This he did, ignoring the dragon's struggling to get free as he checked under the tail. He snickered, then set the dragon down again. "Ha! Bowser's a girl." Remus announced with a grin. "She's either gonna be a radfem or an icon when she grows up. Maybe both." Remus commented before turning to Logan, who sighed in defeat as Yoshi climbed onto his head. "Aww, Yoshi's a Daddy's girl!" Remus cooed, causing Logan to blush. "I didn't necessarily agree to be their father." He pointed out. "Too bad, I already decided. We're Dads now." Remus stated, lifting ShyGuy up as he laid down on the ground.

     ShyGuy made a whine at being picked up again, and Remus giggled before resting ShyGuy on his stomach. ShyGuy looked startled for a moment, and took a moment to gain his balance due to the rise and fall of Remus's chest. He eventually curled up and laid down again, and Remus watched him with a look of adoration.

     Logan couldn't help but smile softly as he watched. Yoshi gave a whine of her own when she realized Logan's attention had gone elsewhere, and Logan sighed before reaching up to lift her off his head. "I suppose this isn't so bad..." He admitted, holding Yoshi in his arms. Yoshi trilled happily, nuzzling Logan's hand for a moment before curling up in his arms. "I think it's perfect." Remus whispered, feeling relaxed and happy for the first time in awhile.

     Ever since that last fight with Roman... Ever since Eulises started trying to recruit him... Remus had been having really bad nightmares. They didn't stop after he became a child, they actually got worse. At least before they were like normal dreams, and usually he was just reliving past fights with Roman. Which, sucked, but... Lately the dreams have been more lucid, almost like glitches in reality, and none of them were pleasant. He assumed it had to do with Time messing with Eulises... These timelines he dreamed of were probably things that happened, and his dreams were a side effect.

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