Becoming Closer Part One

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     Out of all the entrances to all the domains, Logan's was the only one to be an ordinary door. Thomas's was an elevator, Patton's was an archway with flowers growing in it, Virgil's was a cave opening that lead into a portal, Janus's was a sliding door, Roman's was a silver gate with many locks, and Remus's was a vault door.

Patton found it funny, but wasn't sure why. It just kinda seemed odd to have something so ordinary amongst other entrances that were more unique.Patton knocked on the door, taking a deep breath to push aside his thoughts from his meeting with Janus. He put on his usual bright smile as he waited.

Logan looked up from his work as a knock sounded at his door. Had it been tomorrow already? He certainly was not yet ready if it was. Honestly he should have gotten ready as soon as Roman left. See, Logan knows every single way of measuring time, and doesn't really feel the passage of time, so he always loses track of it. One time Roman had asked him what day it was, and he took a guess that it was January. Apparently, January was a month, and the current month had been November,

Logan opened the door, and sighed in relief to see that it was Patton, not Roman, who had arrived. "Hello, Patton, how might I help you?" Logan asked politely. "Oh, I made cookies for everyone! Would you like one?" Patton offered, holding the tray out to him. "No, but thank you for offering. I'm not one for sweets." Logan declined. "But it's Crofters." Patton persuaded, gesturing to a short bread cookie with jam in the centre. Dark blue icing was used to draw a brain on it.

Logan considered this, then sighed before accepting the cookie. "I suppose it would be rude to refuse a gift." He decided as he did so. Patton giggled, then turned to leave, knowing Logan liked to keep to himself. "Actually, Patton, would you mind staying a moment? I would like to ask your advice on something." Logan requested. "Yeah, of course!" Patton agreed.

Logan let Patton into his domain, and Patton sat on the couch, bouncing a little in excitement as he looked around. "This place is incredible!" Patton cheered, admiring the stain glass windows that shored murals of different achievements in human evolution. He gasped as he watched several origami birds fly around the library, seeming to be documents that folded themselves up and flew to where they needed to be. The library was literally sorting itself.

"Thank you. Now, the matter at hand. Despite being the God of Nature, you seem to have great skill in emotional and social intelligence, as well as a good instinct for good morals. So, I would like to ask your advice on something that involves such things." Logan began, trying to think of how to word his question. Patton giggled and nodded.

"Well, emotions are a force of nature. They're instincts that help us to survive. Then Morals, while not exactly natural, are just... Well, I find them incredible. The fact Humans use their intelligence to try and create rules so they can prevent each other from getting hurt, I think that's wonderful! Though, Humans aren't perfect, so neither is Morality, but I still find it neat." Patton cheered. "Yes, well... Hopefully there is an answer to my dilemma." Logan replied. "Which is?" Patton prompted.

Logan paused, once again considering his wording. He had a tendency to word things in a way that offended people, and he wanted to avoid misunderstandings if possible. "Is it ethically incorrect to not return romantic feelings for someone?" Logan questioned. Patton simply blinked, not exactly sure what Logan was asking. Logan took a deep breath, then attempted to simplify his question. "Is it... wrong, to not return feelings someone else has for you?" Logan rephrased.

"What? No, of course not." Patton assured him. "Then why is it that, in most media, when one rejects someone, friend zones someone, ends a friendship or relationship with someone, Etc. The action seems to cause damaged feelings, and causes friends to turn on that person or people to look down on that person? Why is it, that if a character that has feelings for another character, and is referred to as 'like family' to said other character, their friend reacts as if what said crush said was cruel? Am I making sense?" Logan attempted to explain his confusion. "I think so..." Patton began, mulling this over.

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