[EP 22] Not Allowed

Start from the beginning

"I suggest you keep your distance from Yuko." A voice suddenly interrupted making the students make way for the president and rank 1. He pulled Yuko's arm and stilled her beside him.

"Look who placed first rank." Akashi ordered Yuko which she obliged to the command even though she knew who the first rank was.

"Akashi Seijuro..." Yuko mumbled and noticed another name, "Daidaimoto Yuko?" She squinted her eyes to see if it was right. Blinking a lot of times the text didn't changed at all.

"OHMYGOD NOOO!" Yuko exclaimed, her head tilted to the side dejectedly. Itsuka came up again and look who place first.

"OHMYGOD NOOO! WHY IS AKASHI PLACE FIRST?!" Itsuka also tilted her head to the side dejectedly for Akashi being first place.

"Eh? Daidaimoto-san why do you look so dejected?" Shin asked the smaller person who still look soulless. His question made her snapped out of it.

"I don't want to be in the rank 1 since people are going to expect and the pressure can kill but I really don't care." Yuko ranted ruffling her hair and adjusted the scarf to her comfort.

"Since it's time to go home I'll be taking my leave bye guys..." Yuko said hurriedly and was about to turn around and leave but her arm was yanked yet again by the same person.

"Where are you going?" Akashi asked the Yuko who wasn't still looking at the red head. She yanked her arm successfully freeing herself.

"Tokyo... Sooo bye!" Yuko was about to run but was pulled the arm again this time being dragged to the gym. Akashi knew why she was going to Tokyo, it was to watch Seirin's game against Kirisaki Daichi.

"Oi! Let go of me Bakashi." Yuko struggled to be freed but failed. And it was also the first time she got tad bit annoyed at red head.

"You are not allowed to go to Tokyo." Akashi glared down at Yuko which she also returned with a glare.

"You're not the boss of me. And I made a promise to Tetsu-chan... so no." Yuko huffed and folded her arms in frustration. The three uncrowned generals were watching the situation in front of them and feared for Yuko's life for defying their captain.

"Then will settle this with a game." Akashi picked up a ball beside him and passed to Yuko which she catches with easy.

"I think I already told you that I don't know how to play." Yuko passed the ball back to Akashi and started to walk.

"Then you're going to give up your promise with Tetsuya." Akashi smirked when Yuko stopped on her tracks. The whole atmosphere in the gym was heavy and the only thing the other members can do was watch.

"Maa! Maa! Don't be like that Juro-kun. You would make me play wearing a skirt?" Yuko smiled innocently at Akashi but he knew that smile was hiding something else.

"On the contrary I know you are wearing shorts underneath."

"Eh! How did you know?" Yuko pouted childishly and tried to pull her skirt down.

"I know everything Yuko."

As if thinking deeply Yuko snapped her fingers and lit up, "I know now you're a closet pervert! No need to be shy, you have hormones like regular boys." Suppressed snickers could be heard in the gym which made Akashi glared at the other boys and felt a vein popped.

"This is bothersome... Let's just get this over." Yuko put her bag, scarf and blazer at the bench.

"So what do you want? Knowing you, you're probably after something." She stated looking at Akashi's eyes with no hint of emotion. Akashi was a bit startled at the sudden change of attitude but he just showed a smirk.



at times like these I miss the old wattpad ;_;

now I have to edit previous chapters because the spacing was ruined =_=

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