Volume I - Chapter IV

Start from the beginning

He then proceeded to give them the details of the route that they will be taking, as well as a rundown of the security measures that have been put in place. Kiana listened attentively, her mind already filtering through possible scenarios and making plans accordingly.

"Miss Absinthe," Reed's voice brought her out of her thoughts. "As you will be accompanying Lady Weiss personally, I must insist that you wear something more... fitting for the occasion."

"Very well." She inclined her head slightly. "I will make the necessary arrangements."

"Excellent." The Head Butler nodded in approval before turning his attention back to the group as a whole.

"Remember... we will not tolerate any mistake." His voice was hard as he look at each and every one of them gaze. "If you fail in your duty, rest assured that there will be consequences."

When he was finished, Reed dismissed them with a wave of his hand before turning on his heel and leaving the room without another word.

There was a moment of silence as the mercenaries looked at each other, before they all turned to look at Kiana.

"You are Absinthe!?" One of the mercenaries pointed at her, his eyes wide in disbelief. "The Absinthe!?"

'Ah, so it's going to be one of those day...'


The room reeked of alcohol. The stale, sickly sweet smell made her want to gag. Her mother was slumped in her chair, a glass of wine dangling precariously from her fingers. She was muttering something under her breath, words that made no sense.

"Mother..." she said softly, not wanting to startle her. When she got no response, she tried again, louder this time. "Mother, it's me. Weiss."

Her mother turned to look at her then and for a moment, there was clarity in her eyes. But it was gone as quickly as it came and she turned away again, whispering something about being left alone.

Her heart ached seeing her like this. She remembered when her mother used to be so full of life and laughter. Now she was a shell of her former self, barely hanging on by a thread. All because of that monster masquerading as a husband of hers.

"Mother..." she said again, fighting back the tears. "I'll be going with father to Mistral tomorrow morning."

Her mother didn't even acknowledge her words and just took another sip of her wine.

"We'll be gone for two weeks." she continued, her voice trembling. "I just.. wanted to say goodbye before I go."

Still no response.

Her throat constricted and hot tears spilled down her cheeks. She walked over to her mother and knelt down next to her chair, hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry." She choked out, burying her face in her mother's lap. "I'm so sorry."

She stayed there for a long time, just sobbing and holding on to her mother. It was only when she finally calmed down that she pulled away and kissed her mother on the cheek.

"I love you, mother." she whispered finally, turning away before she could see the emptiness in her mother's eyes again.

Had she choose to stay for a little bit longer, she would have seen the single tear that ran down her mother's cheek.


"-ke before, all of them died without any visible wounds." said one of his men after he inspected the corpses left behind in the now destroyed base. "However, we manage to find that somehow, each of them had a bullet lodged in their head."

"Again!?" He slammed his fist on the table, causing it to splinter. "How the fuck could this keep happening!? This is the third base we've lost this month alone! We need to find out the one resposible and stop them before they destroy everything we've worked for!"

The man took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He needed to think clearly if he was going to solve this problem.

"The wounds..." He look at his men. "You're saying that they are the same? Just like before?"

"That's right, sir."

"No sign of entry or exit?"

"No, nothing. It's as if the bullets just appeared in their heads out of nowhere."

He paced around the room, his mind racing as he tried to put the pieces together.

Each member of the Blood Fang had been hand picked and trained personally by him. And every single one of them have had their aura unlocked. There was no way that someone could just walk into their base and kill them all without any of them being able to put up a fight.

"Did the camera footage show anything?" He asked, hopeful that they might have at least caught a glimpse of their attacker.

"No, sir." Came the reply. "The cameras were all destroyed before they could capture anything."

He let out a frustrated sigh. This was getting him nowhere. He needed to find another way to get information about their attacker.

"Alright, forget the cameras." He said. "We'll just have to do this the old fashioned way. I want everyone to comb the area for any clues. No stone is to be left unturned. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!" His men replied in unison.

He watched as they filed out of the room, before turning his attention back to the destroyed table. He was going to find out who was behind this and make them pay dearly for nearly ruining his plans.

"Excuse me, Sir..."

He turned to see one of his men standing near the doorway.

"What is it?" He asked impatiently.

"What about our plan for the Schnees?" The man asked hesitantly. "Are we going to continue with it?"

He could fell his anger rising at the mention of that cursed name.

"Yes." He replied tersely. "We will have to revise the plan. But we will still continue with it. Those filth need to pay for what they've done."

The man nodded before saluting and leaving the room.

He turned back to the table, his hands clenched into fists.


The tip of his finger brushed against the brand on his face, tracing the contours of the mark. His vision turn red with rage as he thought about those irredeemable bastards.

They will all suffer for what they've done...

He will bleed them dry like the pig they are...





They will all wish they had never been born by the time he was done with them...


Author's Note: What am I doing? Instead of fixing my laptop or... I dunno, doing something productive like finishing my assignme- Oh wait... I just remember that I can't~ damn laptop, damn architecture, damn assignment, damn everything!!! Alright, I am done venting my frustration. So... here is another chapter. Not sure if I like how it turns out. It felt like it was missing... something. Oh well, enjoy folks. As always, thank you for reading. Remember to give me feedback... a very, very, gentle feedback~

Disclaimer: Honkai Impact 3rd belongs to miHoYo; RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth.

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