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Here's the Q&A!! Thank you for every single one of your questions!

N: Noah
R: Rose
E: Evan
El: Elizabeth
W: William
H: Henry
A: Author


A: These next 5 questions are from gayestmanalivebooboo.

1: Noah, what do you love about Mike.
2: Mike, what do you love about Noah.
3: William, why do you hate Mike.
4: Rose why do you avoid Mike.
5: Evan and Elizabeth why do you bother and hate Mike.

N: Theres alot I love about him.. Um... If I had to choose one thing it'd be.. How he doesn't really judge anyone all the time.

M: I definitely judge people.

N: Sh.

M: No. Anyway, I love that Noah accepts me for who I am.

W: I hate him because he's a disgusting gay freak, and he tortured his siblings.

M: I didn't torture them.

W: You did.

M: No I didn't.

W: You did.

N: No he didn't, shut the fuck up and let Rose answer.

R: I'm.. Not 100% sure why I avoid him..

E: I hate him because he murdered me and didn't apologize. I don't even like being near him.

M: I did apolgize liar.

El: I hate him cause he was mean too me and Evan and he killed Evan.

M: Oh my fucking god.

A: Alrighty, these next three questions are from IpokipopI.

1: Wiliam, do you know how Evan and Elizabeth treat Mike? If so, do you care?
2: Evan and Elizabeth, why are y'all so damn bratty? Where you ever even beaten or anything foe your actions?
3: Rose, Why don't you ever say something, why don't you ever hug mike or care about him? What did he ever do to you.

W: Yes, I do. I don't care at all.

E: I don't know why we're bratty. We just are.

El: No we were never beaten or anything.

R: I was not fully aware of what was happening. I knew about a bit of it, I don't say anything cause it starts arguments and I don't exactly like arguing with my family. I don't know why I don't hug Michael.. I care about him, he seems like he doesn't like me though.

An Undead Pair.(old and cringe.. I'm sorry for this.)Where stories live. Discover now