♡#49-Actual Q&A!♡

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Thanks for the questions!
NM: Nightmare
H: Henry
The any other character I will let you guys know who it stands for!

Aut: OK, first question.
William, who is your favorite?

W: Elizabeth.

E: Yay!

Aut: OK.. Next. Michael, what do you think of your father?

M: I despise him. He has always treated me bad and hated me the moment Elizabeth was born.

W: You meant nothing to me anymore during that time.

M: I know.

Aut: That is interesting, now. C.C, least favorite part about Michael?

C.C: There is so much, I hate everything about him. It would be how he bullied me for no reason when we was younger.

M: I had a reason!

C.C: Sure.

Aut: There is to be no drama. Now, Elizabeth. What is your least favorite part about controlled shocks?

E: Everything, they hurt!

Aut: Oh. OK. Noah, why did you steal Michaels innards?

N: I am not 100% sure..

Michael softly hits Noah.

Noah rolls his eyes.

Aut: Hah. OK, Michael, on a scale of 1-10 how gay are you?

M: 10 for sure!

E: That is disgusting!!

M: Shut up.

Noah laughs.

Aut: Rose, who is your favorite kid? And do not say all.

R: Oh.. Tough choice. Um.. Michael.

Aut: Lovely. Henry, what are you and William?

H: Me and William are best friends!

Aut: Awesome! Noah, how did you and Michael meet?

N: Our parents took us to the park on the same day, same time, same park. Michael accidentally ran into my mom and his mom apologized. Then our moms started talking as me and Michael started slowly socializing with each other. We were shy at first because we was only around... Uh...

M: five and six.

N: Thank you, Michael. So five and six. Our moms exchanged numbers and we met everysingle day we could. Until one day I had to move because my dad. So I let for a few years. I came back when I was... 14. Michael was 13. We met again and hung out every day. Enjoyable times.

An Undead Pair.(old and cringe.. I'm sorry for this.)Where stories live. Discover now