Have We Met Before? (Sasha x Connie)

Start from the beginning

He dropped his head when they made eye contact.

"Want me to go tell him to f*ck off?" asked Ymir leaning over the table.

Sasha shook her head, "no he's not a creep or anything"

"You sure about that?" Mikasa asked.

"Ok hear me out...you ever look at someone and like feel as if you've known for a long time?"

"I mean I've seen people who've looked familiar but not that intense" Mikasa said.

"It's crazy, but he knows I love potatoes, and that I'm in the archery club" Sasha said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Do you know anything about him?" Ymir asked.

"Yeah, for some reason I already knew he had 2 younger siblings, and that his hometown is called Ragako. Like how would I know that??"

Ymir and Mikasa gave her a weird look.

"Sasha have you eaten today?" They asked.

"Yes...breakfast, an apple, lunch, some chips..."

Mikasa held her hand up. "We get it"

"Maybe you guys were close in another universe" Ymir said with a laugh.

"You think so??"

"Sasha I was kidding..."

Sasha looked back towards Connie. His head ways down. Sasha tapped her pen against her cheek.

Suddenly Connie looked up. Their eyes met.

A wave of emotions flooded over Sasha. She cared deeply for him, he had lost his dad, and he loved her.

Connie didn't sleep well. He had stayed up late googling reincarnation, multiverses, ghosts.

When he made eye contact at the University's library. He almost wanted to cry. He loved her, she loved him, but something incredibly bad happened to her"

"Connie wake up", his friend Jean elbowed him. "Professor Zacharis is glaring"

"Sorry...late night studying"

45 minutes later the two walked out of their journalism class.

"You've been so bothered since you met that girl at Starbucks" Jean said.

"I just can't explain it Jean but, it's like we have this...connection"

"Instead of staging up all night looking up conspiracy nonsense"

"It's not nonsense, scientist study it"

"Whatever, my point is to just talk to her next time you see her" Jean said.

***********A Week Later*************

Sasha walked into Starbucks. Drained, but relieved that she had finished her final mid-term.

"Name?", the barista asked.


"What can I get for ya Sasha?"

"An iced caramel macchiato, grande please"

"Is that all?" He said as he rang up her order.

"Oh and a blueberry muffin please"

Sasha's eyes widened. Someone else had said that in sync with her.

She turned to find Connie was next in line behind you.


"I remember you like blueberry muffins, one of your favorite flavors of muffin" Connie said.

Sasha turned to the barista, "he's gonna have slice of banana bread"

"So you do know me" he said. "Look let me treat you, and we can sit down and talk"

The two found a table.

"Sasha...I promise I'm not some guy trying to play you or scam you...and you may not know me but-"

"I lied"


"The first time we met, I lied about not knowing you. You are going to laugh, but I was mad about my scone, and a bit weirded out." Sasha said taking a bite of muffin.

Connie chuckled. "Honestly I'm not surprised"

"I was hungry".

"You're always hungry" he said with a smile.

"I can't really explain it but...you and I we were...close...not just close but in love" Sasha said quietly.

"So you felt it too? That evening in the campus library"

Sasha nodded.

"So where do we go from here?" Sasha asked.

"Well...it's going to sound crazy but, I think we were meant to find each other"

Sasha felt a flutter in her stomach. "It's not crazy...."

Connie smiled, "I don't know how we actually did the things in whatever universe or reincarnation...but we can make new memories now"

Sasha reached out and gently grabbed Connie's hand. It felt...familiar.

"I mean we can go slow for sure" Connie said blushing.

********** 4 years later*************

Connie collapsed on the couch. They had finally finished unpacking.

"I'm so tired...why did we picked the hottest day of the year to move?"

"Because I have orientation the second week of August and didn't want to unpack and do that at the same time" Sasha said handing him a cold bottle of water.

She sat down beside him and leaned her head on his sweaty shoulder.

"Ew you're all sweaty" Connie groaned.

"So are you...idiot" she said playfully.

"Just think in 4 years you'll be Dr. Blaus, farm animal vet extraordinaire"

"Or Dr. Springer" she said blushing.

"I like the sound of that" Connie said.

The sun was starting to sink a bit, and their stomachs growled in unison.

"Wanna order a pizza?" Connie asked.

"Yes please, but I'm going to shower first"

"Meat lovers pizza right?" Connie said as she made her way to the bathroom.

"You know me so well" she winked.



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