Chapter 56- An unattainable love

Începe de la început

He wanted to scream, to curse, to scoff, but what came out of him resembled a vicious detest instead. "How could I have grievances against someone so perfect, so powerful? How can I? To such a useless piece of shit?"

He faced the other side, finding comfort in the moon that shone above them. It was not the same moon that graced the skies of his land, but it still had traces of his god, of his power. Although not the same fury and anger, for which he was thankful or it would have inflamed his already stoked temper.

He felt a warm touch on his hand and turned to see that Lady Di'Mello had raised herself and was now by his side, her hands on his. "My sweet boy, power has a price. As you know very well. Of all my students, I thought you and Alexander understood it the most."

"How can you forgive him? How can I, or anyone for that matter? He is so powerful, yet when she needed..." he choked, his eyes misting. "When Florence needed, he did nothing. When he..." he couldn't finish it. As the duke had argued before, those painful memories were too much to be revisited.

She gripped his hands harder, but said nothing.

"Where was he?!" he released himself, annoyed with her as much as with the man he hated right now.

Her face grew severe, her voice austere, like when he was but a child and she a tutor who reprimanded him whenever he fell out of line. "We cannot blame our mistakes on others, Salazar, even if they take them to themselves. I was furious. I felt betrayed. Yet I am not an idiot. I know where the blame lies."

He gulped, uneasy at the power of those words.

"And my dear boy, believe me when I say that Emmanuel should never use his full power..." Her voice matched her words, ominous and cryptic.

He wanted to ask what she meant. But he already had a fair idea, and he was sure she wouldn't say more on the subject when she retired back to the bench.

"Do you want to know a surprising thing?"

The question thrown at him was already surprising enough, but he indulged his late tutor. "I am afraid I cannot live without it now that you mentioned it."

"Cheeky boy." said Lady Di'Mello with a knowing smile. "Kristoff has asked me to be in charge of his son's education."

"It can't be..." Salazar rushed to the bench in complete disbelief.

"I jest you not, your majesty. I myself could not believe my ears when he asked and then forced his son to request it in person. My Elli thought me mad when I ended the rest of the day praying afraid I had imagined it all." She said, her smile full.

Her good mood infected him. "But are you not tired? You have received additional responsibilities as the Duchess of the West."

She shrugged. "He was my student and I cannot say no to his heartfelt request. Besides..." she let out a choked laugh. "I get to torment that woman."

Both giggled like idiots. There was no one more universally disliked than the Lady of the North. The hateful woman was both fervent in her faith and controlling to a degree of insanity. He still remembered how she treated him and his peers. But he shuddered at the thought of Kristoff living at her mercy,

However, now he was confident he would be able to flourish, to be free. And he was happy. Extremely so.

He took her hands in his. "Would you take care of both Cedric and Wolff? My son can be a handful, but I promise he will behave under your iron rule."

Lady Di'Mello patted him. "My dear, my work on those two shall be minimal. Lady Lucreatia will make it so. That child will have them both decrease their troublemaking abilities... Unless..."

"Unless..." he raised his brow.

"Unless she joins them. Which is likely,"

They smiled and Salazar remembered of happier times. "Just like her mother..."

"Just like her father..."

It was a truth that he hadn't seen before. However, when it escaped her lips, he was sure that there was no other way but to agree with her.

Another chapter for Salazar !! It is the last I promise (for a while) XD

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Another chapter for Salazar !! It is the last I promise (for a while) XD

I just had so much fun with these charged discussions. The hidden past of the adults XD

Besides this will be important in the future. It is Salazar's ill-advised and frightful decision that causes some problems right ahead.

Anyway did you like it? If so which of the conversation was the best? The one with the duke or with Lady Di'Mello?

And what happened between her and Emmanuel?? XD

So much fun!

I hoped you liked as much as I did.

Next chapter Lulu returns!

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