Chapter 56- An unattainable love

Start from the beginning

"Good." was all she said as she sat on the old stone.

He waited, watching her, before following with a question of his own. "Pray do tell me, my lady, why is my marriage of such interest to you?"

She arched her brow as if he had questioned her why the sky was blue and not pink. "I am your tutor. My joy is to have you happy and..." she stopped, her eyes far off. "And at least one of you two should be in love for it to work in the end."

Something foul and ugly fell on his stomach. "How dare you... to presume I am not happy with my Empress." his voice was low and threatening.

When she talked, her face had no fear, just an overwhelming sadness. "Oh, I believe it, my dear. And I am happy for you, truly I am. But what you have with Serena is not love. I know it, I have watched it. What you have can never be more than what you give. Companionship, loyalty and affection. Never love."

He paced, trying to keep his body occupied, his feet scalding like his humour. "And is that not love? How can you be sure? Love can take many forms. Do not think yourself so high that you can know them all."

"You are right. Yet I maintain my ground. You can trick the entire world, but you cannot trick me, Salazar."

He halted, lost, small, just like the boy he once was many years ago when he first met her.

"An impossible love?" she asked in the softest voice. Not much more than a whisper.

Salazar's hands trembled, and his whole body shuddered at the thought of that love. He was not sure if he had nodded, but his words came out, albeit fearful and ragged. "Very much unreachable."

She looked at him with sadness... pity. And he seethed.

"Do not dare!" he boomed, pointing an accusatory finger in her direction. "I am an Emperor, I have a duty, I am happy and my empire is thriving. Dare not to feel pity for me. Is beneath me those wretched sentiments of yours."

His skin flared, and he felt the words escaping his mouth as the magic came to him as if breathing. It was part of him; it surrounded him, filled him. For the best and for the worst.

"I misspoke your majesty." She said, her head tilted in a sharp bow.

He calmed down, breathing in a slower cadence. And when his energy settled, she spoke again. "Allow me to defend myself, your majesty. I only wish for your happiness, yours and of all my other students."

He let out a malicious laugh. "Have any of them found happiness? Love?"

His cruelty struck her as a slap, and he immediately regretted it. Because she was his tutor and her students were his friends.

He cursed under his breath and wandered some more. The steam left, but the poor taste lingered in his mouth. He couldn't change the past, but he could change the conversation.

"Eloise is a delightful child."

Lady Di'Mello's features softened, and her eyes smiled. There was nothing better to appease a caring grandmother than to praise her granddaughter. "She is very well-mannered, as expected. But her grace and blessing power are impressive too. Your care shows."

"I will carry those kind words in my heart. However, I cannot take credit for her blessing abilities. She has been learning with Emmanuel since a very young age."

That damped his mood. And she frowned.

"I always noticed, even when Emmanuel refused to acknowledge it, but I wonder what has happened between both of you."

"Nothing." he said, realizing he had heard that rotten name far too many times for an evening. Or even a lifetime.

"Then what is your grievance with him? I assure you he does not have it." She said, nailing it in his brain.

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