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Blu had gotten into the exhibition.

That was such a big deal.

To create for so long and finally be presented with the opportunity to display all those things that lived in his mind... those things that he sometimes doubted would even matter or be appreciated... it was the best feeling. He was on a high.

His interviewer, Honey, smiled at him as he drank the coffee she bought as if it would calm himself back down. The warmth was soothing enough.

With a name like Honey, he expected her to be a Southern Belle, one of the girls he oiled down in the backroom with Maze and Brazil. The type of girl he'd seen wearing thin sundresses that quivered in the back with each step they took as a testament to "all that body."

But this Honey was from Harlem, tall and slim, the thickest thing about her being her deep voice and maybe her eyes that were the color of molasses. Her skin was almond brown, as if she saw the sun often for prolonged periods, smelling like blood oranges and pistachios. Hair slicked back in a low bun. She felt cultured, polished. Like she had seen it all.

And she had bought him a coffee.

The gesture was small yet thoughtful, on the nose, sure, but it was as if he'd awakened from a deep slumber when she slid the drink over to him, the blinders were removed and he stopped seeing at her as just an artist recruiter, and more of the really gorgeous girl that she was. It was odd to think but she kind of reminded him of Maze despite them looking and behaving so differently. Perhaps it was because he felt comfortable around her, he felt he could lower a few guards.

"I want you to be aware that we'll be showcasing four artists. You all have extremely large breadths, but as you know, it's about 3D art. We have a textile artist and another sculptor that you'll probably meet while you're in and out of the space preparing for your exhibit."

He nodded openly. "Great. That sounds great."

"Here are the important things you'll need to know..." she slid him over paperwork that explained the dimensions of the gallery, significant dates, and important phone numbers. He put them in the pocket of his portfolio binder. "I encourage you to call me anytime if you have any questions or even if you just need to talk. I'm an assistant so that's my job. Plus, I know preparing for a showcase of this caliber can be nerve-wracking."


"And I hate to be that girl, but..." Her eyes darted around the room as if she were sharing a secret. "Are you single?"

Immediately, his mind went to Maze, with her arms crossed over her chest, pouting.

"You aren't, are you?" Honey asked as if she'd seen her too.

"No, I am. I'm very single."

Her eyebrows rose. "Oh!"

"And extremely flattered that you're interested."


"Yeah." He smiled sheepishly. "You wanna do a lunch or...?"

"Yes! A lunch would be great. Wait, quick question, you don't have a kid, do you?"

"No, no. No kids." He laughed.

"Oh thank god. You're just," she waved her arms around him, "look at you. I had to ask. Nothing wrong with kids. Shoutout to the kids."

His cheeks heated up when he laughed. "Yeah, shoutout to them."

"Yeah." She bit her lip. "It's crazy, I can talk to whoever whenever for my bosses, organize gatherings, network... But when it comes to flirting, I start bumbling."

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