Chapter 6

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Ugh... Where am I? Lloyd thought, his head foggy and his vision blurry. He looked around, seeing himself in a very plain room with a few pleasant nature paintings and the most basic of furniture. With much difficulty, he sat up.

What happened to me? He was in someone else's clothes: a loose t-shirt and shorts. After staring at the wall blankly for a few minutes, Lloyd remembered everything. All of those terrible feelings.

Oh shit. I need to get up. He thought urgently. For what reason, he didn't know why. When he first got onto his feet, he felt unsteady, but after a few wobbly steps, it felt more just like he was really tired. He stepped out of the bedroom, finding a cozy living room, a few more doors, a kitchen, and the front door.

"Hello?" Lloyd called out, figuring he should thank whoever brought him here.

"Oh, you're awake." A pretty girl with long curls of black hair, sandy skin, and green eyes came out of the kitchen holding a cup of tea. "Would you like anything? You might be hungry or thirsty. You were out for a while."

"Thanks." Lloyd said when the girl brought out a bowl of noodles and some water.

"My mom just found you on the street. She was concerned, so she brought you back here. She had to leave for work, though."

"Thank you. You've helped me a lot."

"No problem." She said with a smile. "My name is Kira."

"Lloyd." He had decided that there was no reason not to use his real name and returned Kira's friendly smile.

"I should get going. Thank you for helping me out." Lloyd said, getting up as soon as he finished eating.

"Are you sure you're okay to go out already?" Kira asked, standing up with Lloyd.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Lloyd responded. Kira walked him to the door, leaving him with a small wave. Just like that, Lloyd was back into the harsh reality.

What am I going to do? I have nowhere to go. Lloyd knew he couldn't go back to Garmadon. If trying to kill him was any hint, it was clear that he wasn't wanted there anymore. Besides his Father and sister, Lloyd had no family. His mom had left when he was young. He knew none of his relatives. He had no friends outside or even acquaintances outside of Garmadon's circle. Mindlessly, Lloyd followed his way back to where the Overlord had entered his body.

Something now felt different about Lloyd, but he didn't quite know what.

I really should be dead. How did I live?

"L- Lloyd... ? You're alive?" Lloyd turned to see Harumi, in casual street clothes. When he saw her, he felt no happiness. She'd left him to die. Someone he trusted with his life, just let him out to die.

Harumi ran up to him, completely different from the day before. She gave him a hug, but Lloyd resisted.

"What are you even trying to do?" He asked harshly, stepping out of Harumi's embrace.

"I'm sorry, Lloyd... " Harumi trailed off, a tear ran down her cheek. "When he's in my mind, I can't do or think for myself. I know that's no excuse, but... I'm just happy you're here."

Maybe Lloyd shouldn't have been so quick to forgive Harumi, but the raw way she presented her emotions was so unlike her, he just couldn't help but believe her.

"I'm glad I still have you." Lloyd said. They resumed the hug, tears in both of their eyes. Soon after, Harumi lowered her voice, speaking warily.

"Listen, Lloyd." She said, her voice firm. "You can't come back here. Father and the Overlord know what you've told the ninja, they know what happened in that fight. They want you dead."

Although this wasn't at all unexpected, it still hurt to hear how quickly Lloyd's father turned on him, even if deep down, Lloyd had known from the beginning that his Father had never loved him.

"But what about you? What am I supposed to do? Where do I even go?" Lloyd asked. The worst thing would be to be completely alone.

"Don't worry about me." Harumi said, forcing a reassuring smile. "It may be too late for me. The Overlord's evil is already in my mind. But you still have a chance. There's something special about you, Lloyd, and I know you'll find a way."

Harumi gave her little brother one last hug, not wanting to let go as tears fell down the two's cheeks.

"Take care of yourself, right? I love you." Harumi said. Before Lloyd could even return the sentiment, Harumi silently rushed off. 

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