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'Be happy, My love, because I'm walking out of your life '.

A pair of a figure standing in front of a huge building. The roads are deserted. Silence prevailed everywhere. The girl is struggling to open the door. After several attempts, she was able to unlock the apartment door. In relief, she let out a sigh. As soon as the door opens, both enter the lobby. The tall figure began to scan his surroundings then, A smile crept on his face when he noticed their high school photos on the wall. 

He followed the small figure that led to her bedroom. The room was magnificent. The bed covers are soft pink in shade. The moonlight entered the window. The wall was decorated with pictures from their childhood. Then he turned around to look for her. She was on the deck, gazing at the moon. he took a few steps to reach her. Her face is glistening in the moonlight. Her eyes were closed. Slowly, she inhaled the fresh air. 

Without glancing at him, she started to speak. 'Steller's are aesthetic Right? People think that they add beauty to the sky, but they don't realize they're gleaming because of darkness'. The man became inquisitive but remained calm. She chuckled as she noticed his dazed state. Then she handed him a wooden box with a bow wrapped around it that she was clutching in her hand. Out of curiosity, He reached for his hands to open the present. She restrained him by holding his hand. 'Probably, This is my last gift to you, so please open it when I'm gone' She said in a bitter tone. he got little hurt at first but still managed to maintain a straight face.

It was past- midnight. The girl stepped out of the lavatory, Her hair is moist and water droplets are dripping from it. Her cheeks were a bright crimson color. Her eyes were puffy as if she had been crying for ages. She appeared pale and fragile as she was completely out of energy. We decided to rest, but there was only one cot available, so we exchanged puzzled looks. Soon, the atmosphere turns awkward. She reached for her duvet, She occupied one end of the bed and gestured me to take the other side.

It's started to rain and lightning violently. As time passes, I began to shift my body uneasily as I'm a bit scared of thunders so falling asleep is a bit difficult for me. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. Then he began to shift in his sleep and face me. he opened her eyes, noticed me, and frowned because I hadn't fallen asleep. he understood my expression and slowly opened his arms. I got close to him and hugged him tightly.


                                     The weather is growing cooler. A thunderclap startled me awake. I gently turned around and found you hadn't fallen asleep. You seem to be terrified, and I soon realized that you are afraid of thunderstorms. I open my arms slightly and you embrace me like a baby. I was stroking your hair as your head was resting on my chest. Then you gradually began to nod off. I felt sad because this could be our last night together. From the beginning, I was aware that you had feelings for me. so, I decided to give you some space. even after I belonged to someone, you never tried to move on, and I am extremely tired of your behavior. I loved her and she was the love of my life, but you tried to tear us apart, you caused me to lose trust in you, which led to the end of our friendship. only if you hadn't done this, we could have continued to be friends.

I felt your gentle breath on my neck, looked down, and saw that your hair was covering your face. I carefully brush the hairs off of your face and firmly gripped you. I dozed off again.


𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖚𝖓𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊Where stories live. Discover now