32: Sickly In Love

Start from the beginning

Just then, the rain started pouring and it made her sighed. "What a great luck."

Thankfully, there's a taxi coming before her she turns completely soak in rain. She hurriedly went inside the taxi when it stopped near her and immediately closed the door.

The driver stared at her from the mirror. "Miss, are you okay?"

Rosè stared back at him and nod. "Ne."

"Should I turn on the heater?" The driver offered seeing her situation and Rosé thanked him.

A few minutes have passed as Rosé received a text from Jimin. She opened and read it.

'Chaeyoung-ah, you should stay at home since it's raining. No need to go here.'

Rosé pressed her lips together and replied. 'It's fine, I'm already near the company.'

'Are you sure? Be careful, arraseo?"



It was almost lunch break and Jimin was still working. He glanced at Rosé who seems a little down and called her. "Chaeyoung-ah." He said as she turn to him and walk infront of him.

"What is it?"

He noticed his voice slowly changing and he can't help bit to wonder. "Are you okay?"

Rosé stared at him and nod. "Of course, I am."

Jimin sighed at her. "Go to lunch first, you look tired."

"H-Huh? No, I'm not. I need to finish printing this as soon as possible. You need this in the meeting later." Rosè insisted.

Jimin shook his head. "No, go to lunch now. I'll let Taehyung finish that."

"But he must be busy with other works, he has something assigned to him too."

He stood up and stared at her carefully. He noticed her cheeks getting red and it bothers him. "Are you sure you're okay?" He worriedly asked.

Rosé nod her head at him. "I'm fine."

"You didn't get drain on the rain?"

Rosé pressed her lips together. "Don't worry about me." She said and proceed to finish her work.

Jimin sighed and sat on his chair, glancing worriedly at her. I'm sure she catch a cold. Aishh, I told her to just go home but she never listens. She's so stubborn.


The meeting was on going and everyone was so focused on the reporting. Rosé who was standing beside Jimin was getting uneasy. Jimin noticed it too so he keep glancing at her.

Ow, my head hurts. My nose also itches. I think I'm sick right now.

Jimin closed his eyes. Aishh, I know she's sick I need to do something. He closed his eyes and open them as soon as he heared his employee ask for his opinion for his presentation.

Jimin commented at his work and everyone focused on him. He keep his comment short as he need to end the meeting after.

Rosé held her head and hissed in pain. Before Jimin can finish his comment, Rosè feels herself getting very uneasy and then started to faint.

Thankfully, Jimin was fast to notice it and immediately caught her in his arms. He got surprised when he touch her, her skin got so hot that he can get burnt at it.

The employees stared at them, surprised. "What happened?"

"Omo, Ms. Park just fainted!"

"Is she okay?"

Cute Writer | JIROSÉ | Office AU | Rom-comWhere stories live. Discover now