32: Sickly In Love

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Rosè's POV.

I was silent since we've got into the car. I can't think of something else but that Seulgi and Seulgi and Seulgi. Ugh, I hate it when I'm acting like this.

I glance at Jimin and he seems too focused on driving and I can't help but to scoff and went back to look in the window.

"What is it? Why do you look so grumpy?" I heard him ask making me sit up straight. I cleared my throat without glancing at him and ask.

"I have a question."

I saw him took a quick glance at me and went back to looking at the road. "Like?"

I stared at the window and puff my cheeks. "Why did you force to marry me?"

I heared him let out a small laugh and it makes me stare at him. "What kind of question is that? Didn't we discussed about this?"

I sarcastically laugh and scoffed. "Yeah, but you have Seulgi. She's smart, intelligent, pretty, beautiful, sexy, attractive. Why didn't you marry her instead? I'm sure she'll be a good wife. Tskk..."

Why don't this guy realise things? She obviously likes you, you idiot.

I heared him laugh again making me slightly annoyed. What's so funny?

"Yah, why are you acting like this all of a sudden? Are you jealous?"

I got carried out about what he had said. Wait, am I?

I gulp and fix my coat. "Pfft, who said I'm jealous? Why would I be? You're so annoying." I rolled my eyes while looking at the window.

"I know you're jealous."

"Yah! I told you I'm not! Stop repeating it!"

"Why are you whining? You look jealous."

"Park Jimin!"

"Park Chaeyoung, you're jealous."

"I need you to stop in 1!"



"Why did you stop counting? Aren't you jealous?"

"I hate you! Hmmp!"


Author's POV.

Rosé woke up with the sound of her alarm clock. She get up from bed and do some few stretching. She do her morning routine and went down to eat breakfast but she noticed that Jimin isn't around.

Where is he?

She went to the kitchen and saw no one but foods on the table. She went to approach it and found a note. "Hmm?"

'I need to go to work early, please have breakfast before leaving. I made it myself.'

Rosé found herself smiling and realised that she shouldn't. She grab her phone and texted him 'thank you' before proceeding to eat.

He's so sweet.

"What? What are you saying? Aishhh, stop being flattered, Park Chaeyoung."

After getting ready, Rosé checked the time and close all the doors in the house. She went out and walk a few steps to wait for a taxi.

Rosè glance at her phone and hear a thunder from the sky. She stared at her phone and saw the weather for today. "Aissh, it's going to rain today?"

Why didn't I check it? Ugh, I'm so dumb. I can't go back and get an umbrella. I'm far from home.

Cute Writer | JIROSÉ | Office AU | Rom-comOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora