8: Call Sign?

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Author's POV.

"I'm back people!" Jennie grins as she lift the shopping bags on her hand before spinning around

"Na na na na na, na na na na, hey! Ice on my wrist yeah I like it like this~~~"

"Oh yeah! I love shopping so much!"

"Woah, this is the best day ever!" She giggled

"I'm the most lucky woman in the world!"

"OMO" Jennie almost loose her balance as she realized her brother sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs and staring weirdly at her




"H-Heyyyy, Oppaaa"

"What are you doing?" Jimin stared at the shopping bags on her hand and look back at her, rasing his brows

"Shopping of course" Jennie rolled her eyes

"You spoiled brat"

Jennie huff "Well, at least I'm spending money for my happiness unlike you"

"Aishhh, You--- You have too many stuffs and you're just throwing them away without using it. Are you really have mercy, Jennie Kim?"

Jennie pouted "Those stuffs are already old! I can't just wear old fashion can I? It's so ugly, duh"

Jimin scoffed "Whatever"

Jennie stared at him and sat accross him with an excited look "Omo... You won't believe whom I just with when I go shopping"

Jimin raised a brow "Kim Taehyung?"

Jennie shyly smiled "A-aniyo~~~ Yah oppa... don't mention his name it's fluttering me" Jennie held her cheeks as Jimin put his index finger under his chin

"Tskkk..." He crossed his arms boringly and stared at the vase infront of him

His brows furrows "Speaking of him..." He hissed and closed his eyes remembering what she did yesterday "Park Jennie Kim!

"Ne, oppa?"

He turn towards her with sharped eyes "Don't you have something to say?"

Jennie stared at him with a puzzle look and try to think of something "Do I have something to say to you?"

Jimin frustratedly sighed "This brat, seriously..." He mumbled and furrows his brow to her "My company"

"Yeah? What about it?" Jennie asked as she check her new jewelleries from the box and then stopped, looking at him with wide eyes "OMO!"

"Don't tell you get bankrupt?!" She blurted making her brother to face palm mentally at her stupidity

"Aishhh, stop being so stupid. Why would my company get bankrupt, huh? The ratings are higher than you are expecting right now, The employees are doing their jobs and got payed fairly, The appointments are clearly handled and the papers are signed and passed before the deadline, how is that called bankruptcy? No one can be wiser than me, you know that" He scoffed making the girl to shut her mouth and think of something

"Then, what did I do?"

"You really don't remember?"

She shook her head with innocent look "No"

Jimin force a smile "I see, You don't Remember BREAKING MY COMPANY'S PRECIOUS DOOR yesterday, Jennie Kim? You even kidnapped my assistant right in the time of work, are you losing your mind?" He put an irritated look

Cute Writer | JIROSÉ | Office AU | Rom-comWhere stories live. Discover now