"Just making sure you were making it to tutoring this afternoon." That's believable. Right?

"No, I actually have plans after school so I won't be making it." I just nod accepting that the older girl no longer wants anything to do with me. She is already excelling in math so honestly I see no point in continuing our sessions.

"Actually I think it best if we end our sessions all together. You are doing exceptionally well now and I think you no longer require my services." Minji's face was a tell all. You could tell what she was thinking no matter what she couldn't hide it, and right now she seems tranquil. I guess she has already moved on.

"You are probably right. Thanks for all your help, surely it will help me get into the college I want." Right. Minji will be leaving for college at the end of this school year and I will most likely never see her again.

"I hope you get everything you want in life Minji." I give her a small smile and begin to walk away when her deep melodic voice stops me.

"You too Haerin. You deserve happiness." I don't turn around because if I do I will probably run into her arms and never let go. It's time to move on.


"Kang Haerin come down here." My father yelled from his study which caused an echo throughout our empty soulless house. I quickly put away my chemistry book and made my way to his study. As soon as I got in there he stood up from his desk where he was filling out paperwork.

"Yes father?" I walk to stand in front of his desk, which I learned to do from a young age to properly address him.

"Mr. Nishimura would like to have dinner with us again this Friday. I need you ready to depart for the restaurant by six-thirty." My father takes a big gulp of his scotch and looks back at me. "This is an important meeting Haerin so I need you to be on your best behavior and make sure to wear something nice."

"Yes father, I'll be ready." I give him a small nod and he sits down signaling it's time for me to leave his study. I quickly turn around and walk out and straight to my bed flopping on it. This is my life...I should get used to it.

I don't want to get used to this. I don't want this. I look over and see one of Minji's tank tops that she left here several weeks ago. Should I bring it back to her? No, she doesn't want to see me. I can't be with her anymore. It hurts too much. It hurts seeing her in pain, but she never seemed to understand that I was also in pain...I still am. She always said she understood, but then she would go back and do the same things. I just can't be the person she wants me to be, which hurts so bad.


The week is over and I haven't seen Minji since our little talk in the hallway. That pretty much gave me confirmation that there is no chance of us ever rekindling whatever relationship we had with each other. It hurts, but I have to move on. I have to.

Tonight is the night we are having dinner with Niki's family. He hasn't left me alone all week. I usually like to be alone so him constantly being on top of me has really gotten on my nerves. Usually when he got like this Minji would pull him away from me. I miss that. I Miss her. No..I have to move on. I'm gonna marry Niki.

I look at my phone and it is six twenty-eight. I have two minutes to make it down stairs or my father will kill me so I quickly run down and wait at the front door patiently for him. Less than a minute later my father was walking towards the front door in a navy blue suit which matched my dress.

"Let's go." My father ushered me out the door and into the back seat of a limo. My father always does this. Why can't we be normal people and drive ourselves to the restaurant? The ride over there was quiet as most of our journeys are to places so it wasn't uncomfortable. "Listen Haerin, this is a really important meeting so do not talk until spoken to. Do you understand?"

Can't You See Me?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora