Twenty two

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Haerin has been spending the last thirty minutes showing the girls and I different ideas she has for yearbook designs. I haven't been much help since I'm not a very artistic person, but Danielle and her have been laughing back and forth about other funny ideas they have for it. Everyone once in a while though when Haerin laughs really hard she'll look over at me with a twinkle in her eye.

It has been two weeks since we decided to be friends and I can tell that she is doing better. She seems happier and less stressed. It hurts a little bit knowing I was causing her to be in a dark place. I did voice that out to her about a week into our breakup and she did give me reassurance that it wasn't me just everyone else around her causing it because she was with really it was me, but she is too nice to say that.

"What do you think about this one?" The cat-eyed girl turned her computer towards me showing me a Friends themed yearbook. I just nod, giving her a thumbs up.

"I've never actually seen friends, but the design looks good." The whole table went silent causing me to feel a little uncomfortable. Did I say something wrong?

"You're joking right?" Danielle asks with a look of pure shock.

"About what?" Hanni stands up slamming her hands on the table.

"Kim Minji! How have you never seen friends?!?! I have failed as a best friend!" The Vietnamese girl dramatically falls back into her seat.

"I'm sorry Christ, I've just never seen it!"

"That's it you are all coming to my house after school and we are watching till we drop!" Hanni said with a smug look on her face. "No friend of mine is going to live in a world without Friends."

"I have friends." I smirk at the shortest girl who just rolls her eyes.

"Yeah barely you have Dani and I and then an ex-girlfriend that is kinda your friend." My eyes immediately shot over towards Haerin to see her reaction, but she was just smiling and laughed a little.

"I can come. I don't have any plans with Niki or any activities that my father has planned for me today. I can just say I'm staying late to study." I almost forgot about Niki. Haerin never brings him up anymore and tries to keep that side of her hidden, which honestly I am grateful for. I mean every once in a while I'll see them in the hallway together, but I can tell that she doesn't want to talk to him. Why did I never notice before? Hanni likes to tell me it's because I'm an 'insecure little bitch who tried to find the bad in every situation' and was it mean? yes, but she was right.

"I'll be there I guess since I'm the one being educated."

"Damn right you will." Hanni was about to say something else but Dani just shoved a chip into her mouth shutting her up. Recently I have taken notice to their interactions together since Hanni confessed she like Danielle and boy was I stupid. Every time Dani even grazes her skin she flinches or her whole body turns red. I feel bad for Hanni. She is almost in the same boat as me. She is going to leave and the girl she likes will stay here.

"Alright alright we all will go to Hanni's after school today and watch friends, but not too late Haerin and I have to be at school early for a yearbook staff meeting." The bell rang signaling lunch was over and everyone began shuffling around.

"Dani, wait up, let's walk together!" Haerin grabbed her tote bag, slinging it around her shoulders and jogged after Dani who smiled wrapping an arm around Haerin's shoulders as they made their way down the hall. Hanni and I stood in our place watching as the two girls we loved left without us. I know that is extremely dramatic because their classes are close together and ours is on the other side of the school, but it feels that way. Like our future coming true in the present.

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