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Five minutes. I've been waiting five minutes for Haerin to show up. We were literally in the same class as each other. What is taking her so long? Maybe I should have stayed and waited for her so we could walk together..she did seem really engrossed in her notebook. She wasn't even packing up to go once the bell rang. "Ah" I jump a little as I look to my left and Haerin is scribbling in that same notebook. "When did you get here?" When could she possibly have arrived and how did I not notice? She looks up from her notebook and raises one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows. She continues to just give me a funny look for a couple seconds. God I wish she would just speak so this would be less awkward.

"I made an outline for our sessions. I also made some notes and practice problems for today to see where you are and we can go from there." I widen my eyes as she slides the notebook she's been so engrossed in today. Oh. It was for me?

"Uh are you not just gonna help me with whatever we are doing in class." Looking through the notebook there are many different types of problems, stuff we've done in the past and stuff I've never seen before. She hums and looks at the table for a few seconds like she is pondering what to say next. She sure does a lot of thinking from what I can tell.

"I am. I want to see what you know and how you work out problems so I can adjust my teachings to make it easier for you." Wow that's actually really considerate. Maybe she tutors a lot of students? She seems like she's done this a few times. I hum and continue to look through the notebook.

"Do I start now?" She nods and gestures towards the notebook. I looked through my bag to find a pencil and realized that I must have left it in math. God, I have to stop forgetting pencils. Before I could even ask her for a pencil she slid the exact same one she gave me the day before towards me. I gave her a small smile and she just pulled out a book and started to read. She must've picked it up for me before she came over here. Okay let's get this math shit done so I can get out of here.


"Done!" I give the girl next to me a big smile and slide the notebook over towards her. She looked up from her book for the first time since I started and just glanced at the notebook then me. Why is she looking at me like that? Her eyes are just staring directly into mine. Most people would be too embarrassed to make prolonged eye contact, but not Haerin apparently. Suddenly she grabs the notebook and puts it into her bag and starts to stand up. Wait what's going on? "Wait, are you gonna look at it?" I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed the younger girl's arm stopping her from standing up. She has such soft skin I have to fight the urge to rub my hand up and down her arm. What? Jesus Christ why am I thinking like this? I immediately let go and the shorter girl grabs her bag, slinging it over her shoulder.

"I will. Our one hour is up so I will give you the results on Thursday and the lesson plan for the next couple of weeks." It's already been an hour? God why am I so slow at math this is so embarrassing there were only like 10 problems. She probably thinks I am so stupid.

"Haha sorry for taking up all the time. I guess I'm just stupid. I'll try harder next week." I stand in front of the shorter girl and bow my head a little. Haerin tentatively put her hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze before removing it.

"Everyone learns and achieves things differently just because someone goes slower or faster doesn't mean they are smarter or dumber, it's just the way their brain works." God how come I haven't really noticed her before these last couple days. She is so kind and thoughtful. Before I could say anything else she slid past me and out the library without another word. Honestly, I'm surprised with how much she said to me this is the most I've ever seen her talk. Maybe this won't be as difficult as I thought


"How did your tutoring go?" Hanni asked as she slammed her lunch on the table in front of me. Dani hits her shoulder chastising her for being so aggressive.

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