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"Kim Minji!" Shit he found out. You see, after my embarrassing encounter yesterday with Haerin I took it upon myself to cower in the girls locker room waiting for cheer to start instead of going to math so I wouldn't have to see her after all of that. Was it smart? No. Will I probably get detention for this? Most likely. Was it worth it so I wouldn't have to embarrass myself any further? Absolutely.

"Yes?" I put on my biggest fake smile for my father as I grab my keys to attempt to head out the door before he can really question me. He sighed and stepped in front of me blocking the front door.

"Your school called again this morning. They said you skipped math. Is that true?"

"No, maybe they called the wrong number." I patted my father's shoulder and tried to push him out of the front doorway but he just wouldn't budge. I looked up and his face remained as stoic as it always does which makes this situation even more nerve wrecking not knowing how he is going to react.

"You have detention today after school. They also said if your grades continue to slip or if you continue to not attend class you will be suspended from cheer." Jesus christ. Not cheer I can't be suspended who will help run practices when I'm not there I can't deal with that right now. Shit I'm supposed to tutor with Haerin after school.

"It won't happen again I swear. I'll do better this time." I bow my head a little trying to get out as fast as I can.

"You say that every time Minji. Honestly I don't believe or trust you." Well that hurts. "From now on you will be tutored every day after school and on the days you have cheer you will be tutored after practice." What? Everyday?!? There is no way Haerin will agree to this that would take up literally all her free time. Surely she would rather not spend most of her free time with me.

"There is no way Haerin would agree to give up all her free time like that."

"She was already informed and agreed to accommodate your new needs." God how does he always work so fast? She is probably gonna hate me after this there is no way she likes me. God I shouldn't even care if she likes me. She is just a sophomore that I will never think about again after this year. Right?


"EVERYDAY?!?" I rolled my eyes as I informed Hanni of my new situation on the way to first period.

"Yeah there is no way I'm getting out of this shit this time Hanni." She huffs and groans like this is affecting her in anyway.

"Well great you're gonna miss our weekly coffee trip after your practice. Now I'm gonna have to just go alone with Danielle." She aggressively throws her books on the table and flops in her chair next to me.

"You love Dani, stop pretending like you're gonna have a bad time."

"Well yeah, but it won't be the same without you. She's all sunshine and rainbows and a person can only tolerate that for so long." I laugh a little nodding my head. Dani is amazing but I understand where Hanni is coming from. "Wait, why don't you just bring Haerin Friday after your practice and you guys can study there and Dani and I can bring our books as well so we won't bother you." There is no way I'm letting Haerin be around Hanni and Danielle at the same time she would probably combust with how much they talk.

"I don't know. She doesn't seem like the type to like group gatherings."

"We will behave, I promise." Hanni makes a pouty face and grabs my face, probably making my face mimic hers. God there is no way this will go well.

"Okay I'll ask but I make no promises." Her smile spreads from ear to ear. I know she is going to do something stupid to embarass me in front of Haerin I just know it. Hopefully she'll say she doesn't want to go.

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