{¤}{♡}{§}[Demon Lunar X Reader] Daydreams

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<I came up with this randomly and I adored the idea. Hope you SuperStars like it!>

<5355 Words>

You hear the faint tunes of birds singing outside of your window causing you to sigh.
You didn't feel like getting up today.
The same with yesterday and the day before that, rounding up to about a month now.

You hear your ringtone and you peer at it, laying on top of your covers next to you.
You must have stayed up late on your phone again last night.
The glowing letters on the screen claimed that a contact named Samantha was attempting to reach you.

You exhale and clumsily pick up your phone, swiping the green button.
You bring the device up to your ear and await their words.
Her voice was pleasant and kindly but you didn't take any comfort in hearing it.

"Hey Y/n, I know you haven't gotten out of bed yet. Remember to eat, drink and care for yourself okay? You know how Olive gets when he sees you haven't been keeping up with life."

You look to your nightstand, the melatonin bottle still open from when you took some last night.
You awkwardly grab it and close it with one hand then chuck it into your nightstand drawer for later.

"You should totally come hang out with me and Gabby, she'd love to see you again."

You sigh into the phone at her persistence to have you be active.
"Sam, I don't care what Olive thinks and I don't want to see Gabby today. You know I don't like get togethers."

You hear Samantha shift around on the other side of the call.
"Y/n.. you don't have to be so blunt about it."

You roll your eyes and glare at the crumpled sheets on top of you.
"And you shouldn't be including me in everything you do.
You're just my therapist, not my friend. Plus aren't you not supposed to interact with clients out of work hours?"

Samantha pauses and huffs.
"Come on Y/n, you know that you need to get out of that musty, dusty house of yours sometime or another."

You frown at her statement, it's true that you do need to go outside more often. But you were offended that she insulted the cleanliness of your house.

"Hey! My house is not musty or dusty."

"I beg to differ."

You scowl and were about to hang up on her when you hear her sigh.
You put the phone back to your ear to hear her finish before you hang up so you can be a decent human being.

"Look, I know that I'm your therapist and I know you don't like me.
But can you at least try to get along with me?
Just know that you are never a burden to any of us and that you can talk to me, Oliver or Gabby whenever you want or need to alright?"

Your eyebrows furrow slightly at this statement. As you look at your covers you feel an empty feeling sink into your chest as her words swirl around in your head.


"Great, I await to seeing your progress on thursday. I'll call you later, Bye."

You listen as the sound of the call ending echos from your phone.
After a few seconds you sigh through your nose and slowly lower the hand holding your phone.
She shouldn't try to get herself tangled up in your life. Or anyone else for that matter.

You stare at the ceiling for a few minutes before you feel your throat dry out from the raw emotion in your head.
You frown and get up, you don't bother to change out of your pajamas or put on any slippers as you trudge to the kitchen.

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