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Jungkook had just gotten home after completing his detention. The second he walked in through the door, he got dragged into the hallway. "What is it?" "Get in there!" "Is something wrong with my mochi?" "Jimin is in pre-heat right now so go in there and take care of him!" Before he could even say anything, Jimin slowly came out of the room. "Hyungie? I-Is that you?" "It's me baby." "W-Why does it hurt?" "It's nothing baby." Taehyung was trying his best to not get turned on by the smell of Jimin's slick.

Jungkook slowly walked towards Jimin, giving him a hug. He was trying his best to explain to Jimin what was going on with his body. "H-How often will this happen?" "Twice a year. Once in the spring and another time in the fall, so basically every six months." "Why does this happen?" "Um I don't actually know." Jungkook quickly turned his head to Ms. Kim. Jimin pouted as he felt confused about what was happening.

Kang Ji waddled towards Jimin since he missed him. "Hi my baby." Jimin gave the baby a kiss on the head which made him smile. "Jimin-ah, do you want me to explain what's going on with you?" He quickly nodded since he wanted some answers. The two went to a different room while Jin Young was explaining things to Jungkook as well.


Ms. Kim took Jimin into another room so they could talk in private. "Alright honey, basically your body is saying that you're becoming an adult. You know when you and Jungkook... do it?" "Y-You know?" "Jimin of course I know. You two are pretty loud." "S-Sorry." "No need to apologize but you know that when you two have sex you don't get pregnant right?"

Jimin pouted as he nodded. "Well right now is a time where you are extremely fertile." "Does t-that mean hyungie can give me a baby?" "Not exactly. Your wolf is saying that it's time for a baby but the only way you could get pregnant is if Jungkook is on his rut. Alpha's get their rut once a year and it's mostly in the winter. Once you two are mated, both of your wolves cycles will change to line up with each other so that way you'll be able to get pregnant."

He nodded as he understood. "W-When does the heat stop?" "It will stop in about a week." "What do I have to do?" "You two just have to stay locked up in the room." "T-That's it?" "I'll let you two figure that out." Jimin pouted but nodded.

"Now you two will stay in the room and I'll be leaving you." "You're leaving?" "I want to give you two privacy." "Ms. Kim y-you don't have to leave!" "Trust me, I do." "We'll be kicking you out of your own house." "It's alright. I've been wanting to spend some time at that new hotel they built, I heard they have the best spa ever."

Jimin whined as he felt guilty for kicking her out. "Just clean everything up after." "O-Ok." They walked out the kitchen and back into the living room. "So I have to screw him for a week straight?" "It sounds great but your dick will feel like it's gonna fall off in the end." "I'll deal with it." Jimin felt so embarrassed when he heard that. "Hyungie!" "Sorry baby." Jungkook cooed when he saw Jimin's face all red. "What about the baby?" "I'll take care of him." "But h-he's mine." "It's just gonna be for a week mochi."

Jimin pouted after hearing that. "Alright mochi, we'll be leaving now." "Bye my baby." Kang Ji whined since he didn't like to be away from Jimin for long periods of time. He gave the baby some kisses before saying his final goodbye to him. Jungkook quickly hugged him when he heard Jimin start crying.

"I want m-my baby." "It's alright baby." He picked Jimin up before heading into their room. "Now my baby needs to rest for a bit." "W-Where are you going?" "I'm gonna go to the club so I can tell them that you'll be taking the week off ok?" "Ok j-just come back quickly." "I will baby." Jungkook gave him a kiss before heading out the door. Jimin sat up in bed, doing it slowly since his body was still aching. He got out of bed and went to the closet.

Once all the items were gathered for his nest, he went back to the bed and surrounded himself with Jungkook's clothing. Inside the nest was Jungkook's cologne, some snacks, and the small omega who was currently inhaling Jungkook's scent that was still left on his clothes. Twenty minutes later he heard the front door open. "Baby?" "Hyungie~" Jungkook cautiously walked towards Jimin since he knew that an omega would attack anyone that wasn't welcomed in their territory.

"How are you feeling baby?" "Icky." "My poor mochi." He slowly got into bed with Jimin, making sure he didn't take the wrong step. "I want hyungie." Jungkook got into the nest with Jimin and put his arms around him. "So w-we have to do the nasty all week long?" "Yeah." "I wish I could've had a baby by doing this." "Once we're mated we can have some pups." "Our babies will look so cute." Jimin snuggled against him which made Jungkook smile.

"We'll have our cute babies later on in life." He gave Jimin a kiss before seeing that Jimin had gone to sleep. "You'll need your energy for later on baby mochi." Jimin nuzzled against him with a small smile on his face.


It was around midnight when Jimin woke up. His body felt warmer than this morning and slick was filling his panties. The smell of smoke made him open his eyes. Jungkook was looking at the stars that filled the sky. The window was open so the cigarette he was smoking wouldn't stink up the room too much. Jimin slowly sat up before walking towards Jungkook. "Hyungie?" "Hi baby, do you feel better?" "No."

Jungkook sat Jimin in his lap and pressed a kiss against his head. "Hyungie I'm getting your pants all wet." "I don't care." Jimin shyly smiled when he heard that. "My tummy hurts." "You want me to make some tea for you?" "Please?" "Alright, just stay right here princess." He put his cigarette out and headed to the kitchen to make his omega a nice iced tea. Jimin got curled up in his nest, trying to get comfortable. Jungkook came back and felt his heart flutter at the sight.

He cooed when he saw how cute Jimin looked. The small omega slowly looked up. "Hyungie?" "My baby looks so cute." Jimin gave him a smile before sitting up. "Do you feel better?" "I feel warmer than before." "Your face looks red." "My legs are sweating." "Poor baby." Jungkook gave Jimin his iced tea before getting into the nest with him. Jimin quickly sat in Jungkook's lap and started to get comfortable since he knew he would be staying there for a while.

"Hyungie my shorts are all wet." "Take them off." "B-But hyung." "I've already seen you without clothes so no need to be shy." Jimin slowly nodded and started to take his shorts off. Jungkook couldn't help but stare at Jimin's exposed lower half. The thick thighs were begging him to touch. He wanted to touch his mochi but knew that he needed to save all his energy for when his heat comes.

Jimin blushed when he saw how Jungkook was looking at him. He pretended not to notice him to save himself the embarrassment. "The baby must miss me." "I bet he does." Jungkook gave his head a kiss before placing the empty glass on the table next to him. "How will the baby eat?" "Jin Young can feed him." "I don't like that." "I know mochi but once this week is over, he'll go back to being your baby." He knew that Jimin absolutely hated for anyone else to take care of the baby but now was not a time to argue about this.

"I love you hyung." "I wanted to say that first." Jimin giggled when he saw Jungkook's face. "I love my mochi too." "I know you do." "Can I marry you now?" "Hyungie!" "I want to see my princess in a wedding dress." "Hopefully we can save enough money to even have a wedding." "We will baby." Jimin smiled and gave him a kiss. "Now my baby needs to sleep because it's more than likely you will go into heat by morning."

They both got comfortable in the nest since Jimin didn't want to get out of the nest. Jungkook had his face nuzzled into Jimin's neck to scent him throughout the night. A thin blanket got placed over the both of them before Jimin started to complain. "What's wrong baby?" Jimin sat up and quickly took his shirt off. "It's hot in here." "I know baby but it's just for a week." Jungkook was about to go to sleep but was confused when Jimin started pulling at his shirt.

"Your clothing is making me hot as well." He sighed and took his clothes off, leaving him in just his boxers. Jimin laid back down with his leg thrown over Jungkook's hip. The two cuddled with each other, falling fast asleep. 

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