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Jimin had just woken up to his alarm. He quickly noticed something was wrong with him. His body felt weak, he was sweating, and he had this need for Jungkook. Jungkook was right next to him knocked out. "Hyungie w-we need to get ready." He blushed when he heard the alpha groan. Jungkook slowly got out of bed and had expected Jimin to follow him. He entered the bathroom and turned on the shower.

"Baby do you want me to get your clothes?" When he turned around he was confused to not see Jimin with him. He went back to the room and concern quickly washed over him. His omega was curled up on the bed with a flushed face. "Baby what's wrong?" "My t-tummy hurts." "Is it like cramps?" "No it's stomach pain." "Show me where." Jimin quickly pointed to the center of his abdomen. He felt like he was sick but only his stomach was hurting along with some heat washing over him.

"Do you wanna go to the doctor?" "No i-it's too expensive. Just ask M-Ms. Kim if she has medicine." "Well I'm gonna need you to tell me what else is hurting you. Does your head hurt? Do you feel nauseous? What else baby?" "J-Just my tummy but I feel hot." "Hot? Like a fever?" "But with fevers I-I'm always shivering." Jungkook sighed as he didn't know what to do. "I'll call the club to let them know that you're sick along with the school." "You're n-not gonna stay with me?"

Jimin felt like crying when Jungkook shook his head. "I know baby but today is Friday so if you're still sick when I come home then I'll be able to take care of you all weekend." "Oh no I forgot tomorrow is the weekend! I would've made so much money." Jimin pouted as he felt bad. It was his responsibility to make money and now he can't even do it. "I want cuddles." "I'm sorry baby but I gotta go to school." Jungkook felt like a terrible alpha for not being able to take care of his omega.

He sighed and got into bed with him. "I can't stay with you baby. I'm sorry." Jimin pouted which made Jungkook coo. "I'll be fine." "Don't be mad at me mochi." "M' not." "Just stay in bed as much as you can, drink some tea, and take some medicine." "Yes hyung." Jimin watched as Jungkook got dressed for school. Kang Ji had woken up from his sleep feeling confused on why Jimin was still in bed. He stood up in his crib, looking around. "Hyungie the baby is awake."

Jungkook came out of the bathroom and saw the baby. Kang Ji got picked up before getting dressed into an outfit. "Alright little baby, today Jimin doesn't feel well so I'll be taking care of you." The baby whined hearing that. "I'm gonna be fine bub." He crawled towards Jimin and snuggled onto him. "You're gonna go to school with hyungie today since I can't take care of you right now." Even though the baby was sad that he couldn't stay with Jimin all day, he understood that Jimin wasn't feeling well.

Jimin felt sad when Jungkook took the baby away from him. "I'll see you later baby." "Bye hyungie." He gave Jimin a kiss before leaving the house. Jimin sighed as he felt lonely. Everyone was gone. The small mochi got out of bed and headed to Ms. Kim's room. He went into her bathroom and searched inside her medicine cabinet. After looking for a little bit, he found some pain relief medicine and headed back to his bed.

He took some of the medicine before going to make some tea. While making some tea he was fanning himself with his hand. He put some ice into the tea since he wanted to cool himself down. Jimin slowly waddled his way back to his room and started to change. Even though he felt so weak, he dragged himself into the shower. The warm water hit his skin which slightly cooled him down. He felt dizzy since he was showering on an empty stomach.

After taking the worst shower of his life, he put some clothes on that were practically lingerie. The fan was turned on and he drank many bottles of ice cold water. He felt so tired and weak at the moment. His omega was screaming at the moment, wanting to take over. 'Jimin just let me take over! I'll do what you need in order to feel better!' Jimin whined as he felt frustrated. He's never had his omega take over so he was scared. He shook his head and drank some more of the tea he had iced down.

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